First annual "Cars & Cops" Car Show - May 21st, 2017

23 December 2015
Fellow NSX owners, I'm very excited to present to you guys an event I was fortunate to be a part of creating and worth supporting called "Cars & Cops." 10 judged classes, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each category. Let's represent the NSX community strong!

Sunday May 21st, 2017 10am-4pm
2500 W. Bradley (by Lane Tech high school in area of Addison/Western)

Register at

(Make sure you select "exotic class" at registration)
Donation fee is $25 per entry which 100% of it goes to the CHICAGO police memorial fund which donates money to families of fallen officers.

Background: As some of you may already know, I am an officer of the Chicago Police Department. It's been a dream of mine to own as NSX ever since I laid eyes on it back in junior high (formula red with black interior). After obtaining my first NSX from Pittsburgh area January 2016, attending Nsx events and car shows have brought me so much joy, especially meeting other owners. A field Lieutenant (big car guy), the former CPD superintendent Phil Cline (currently director of police memorial fund) and myself got together and approached the owner of the Collector's Car Garage (hosts Rise n Drive) and asked if we can host a car show on his property to raise money and awareness for the CPD memorial fund. He loved the idea and we got started planning.

After a few meetings, we have created the design of the flyer and were even able to land a booth in the 2017 Chicago Auto Show to promote the upcoming show and get people excited to be a part of something to support the police and their families. We are also currently working on multiple sponsorship deals. The amount of work is tremendous but I think will be well worth it come May 21st.

Again, lets free up our calendar, register early and represent one of the best exotic sports car ever made! Let me know if you have registered so I can keep track of how many of us are coming. Meet and roll into the show together hopefully.

Post already made on Facebook Midwest NSX Owners page

Cheers all, hope to see you there to support us and see some great cars.
I will try to participate.

If you haven't seen collector's car garage, there is no amount of glue you can sniff that will get you higher than to see the stuff they have inside.
Jim, no worries plenty of other meets. And NSXPO!! Enjoy your trip

Bricks, I've been touring that garage multiple times because that's our meeting planning/coordination location. The owner Burt is a very upstanding guy who has been around cars his whole life and is a pleasure to talk to. The cars in that facility is beyond fascinating, just an amazing collection of privately owned vehicles.

Paul, glad you can try to make it. Been an honor to help pull an event like this together. Btw, David, Ben, Kevin and other guys are already good to go and support the cause.
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Thank you for organizing and the invitation, I had a great time!

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr

Cars and Cops car sow by Brylek, on Flickr
Thanks for sharing the link to the video made on my NSX. Was a fun interview!

Bricks, too bad we didn't get to see your ride in person. There's always next year :)

Big thanks to everyone who made it out to show support (even those who didn't, you were there in spirit). Thanks for the photos Paul, you are such an amazing photographer!

This event was a big success! About 240 cars ended up registering, the energy of the event was overwhelmingly positive and the 2018 show is already in the works. I am humbled and very honored to have met/know the people that were there to support. The event was a great cause to be a part of creating and I look forward to next year!
Nice to meet you today Officer

Beautiful day for Rise and Drive

Lots of nice folks to chat with
Pleasure meeting you and seeing your beautiful ride in person. Glad you're out enjoying it! Until the next one, take care!
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