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Baby Photo thread

Per the request of Hal, New crocs. she is walking now!
i love it - great pic! (though, on reflection, probably not high enough on the embarrassment scale to use against her on her wedding day. plenty of time for that in the years ahead, i'm sure :)
My Step-Brother and sister-in-law spent a night in Jail/questioning in SC the night their daughter succumbed to her birth defect. Candice was born with a rare birth defect to her brain stem. She spent the only year of her life in and out of the NICU, but sadly was never expected to survive long. The baby went home with my Brother and sis in law about two weeks before she passed. Nothing could really be done, and unfortunately her death was inevitable. She experienced kidney failure related to the defect, and passed within minutes


This is Renee:

What a sad story... I am so sorry to hear of the loss. Did they ever find out what it was? Reason I ask, I too have/had a "rare" brain stem disorder that was diagnosed when I was 20 years old. I had surgery and everything is fine now. Just curious to know if the doctors determined what your niece had.

On a further note: There is not enough CPS staff in our area. In the past year we've had the following in the newspapers:
1. A family had a Down’s syndrome baby that they kept in a playpen for its entire life. When the child died at age 5 years old, she weighed 29 lbs. She died of dehydration. What just really turns my stomach is this family had been investigated and CPS had been in their home many times over the past years and never did anything about the abuse.

2. An older brother had been beating the baby sister (admittedly) every day since she was born. A neighbor called it in to CSP, who never went out to investigate. Brother hung the baby and killed her.

3. A newborn baby, with umbilical cord still attached, was thrown into a vacant lot. Luckily it just happened to be a fairly "nice" winter day and some kids were playing in the lot. They found the baby, thought it was a doll and took it home. After a couple month's of the baby being in the hospital, the mother was finally identified and was slapped on the wrist. No jail time, nothing. She did not get the baby back, thankfully.

Sick people in the world.

Sorry to hijack the thread, back on topic now. I love the pictures. :)
Here's another pic of the Con-man -

We went home to Pittsburgh Memorial Day- Lila did well on the flight



Lila is 7 months now

BTW- If I see anyone posting the above in the "Girls and Seatbelts" thread I am just going to snap...
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This is Renee:

What a sad story... I am so sorry to hear of the loss. Did they ever find out what it was? Reason I ask, I too have/had a "rare" brain stem disorder that was diagnosed when I was 20 years old. I had surgery and everything is fine now. Just curious to know if the doctors determined what your niece had.

Hi Renee,

To be honest I am not exactly sure what the disorder was that Candice had, I just remember that the survivability rate was quite low. If I can find a way to pose the question in a way that isn't awkward for her parents I will try to find out.

BTW- my Brother and Sister in Law now have 2 boys- Caleb is 8, and Issac is 1.5 months- so, their story has ended up a happy one.

If I can find a way to pose the question in a way that isn't awkward for her parents I will try to find out.

No worries. I am glad everything has worked out for them and that the unfortunate events of Candice' short life did not prevent them from having more children.
Lania's First Airplane Ride (Watching Dora)


Lania and her first experience in an NSX (thank you Mike :)



Man, all these kids are so cute. I've never heard anyone complain they spent too much time with their kids, it's always the opposite after they're grown and gone.

I vote for an NSXPO to be held in Orlando soon so we can go to DisneyWorld. I've got 4 and 1.5 YO daughters that have never been yet :smile:

The Donut.. took her 45 minutes to eat it after which she proudly claimed that her tummy was "as fat as daddy's" lol.


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(although no longer a baby)

this is our 3 year old granddaughter.


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Man, all these kids are so cute. I've never heard anyone complain they spent too much time with their kids, it's always the opposite after they're grown and gone.Dave

most challenging and rewarding role i've ever had was being a father.
awesome pics.
They are all very adorable. And I mean it.
Can't wait for ours to arrive.
My precious daughter was born today!!

Jeeya is 6 lbs. 12 oz. 19.75 inches tall. Baby and mother are doing great.


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This thread makes me want to relive each of my three son's birth again. Ahh, precious moments...
My two and a half yo. daughter and my new born son195.jpg