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NSX Owners who left & returned

23 April 2006
Northern VA

It's been a while since I posted on this board. I was in the market looking for a NSX while I had my BMW 540. I debated and debated on selling the 540 for the NSX. I ended up selling it, but went for the M5 instead. I thought I would need the rear seats but I think I've had my kids in the car a total of 5 times since owning it. I'm usually driving alone or my wife is in the passenger seat. I've owned my M5 for a little over a year now and while it has all the power of a sports car and the luxury of a sedan I'm still not really blown away by it. I've added mods and everything, but it still hasn't completely satisfied me. It's a great car and hasn't given me a lot of problems, but I know it will in the near future. The car is known to break your wallet eventually. Anyway, having thoughts of selling the M5 and going after the NSX once again. The M5 is steadily decreasing in value and I don't think I'll be happy until I at least own the NSX at least once. I've been wanting one for years now, but always ended up talking myself out of it for some reason. I was wondering how many of you owned the NSX and then decided that you wanted something different. What did you buy? What were your disappointments and regrets? How long did it take you to return?

This happens quite frequently. There's a remarkable boomerang effect w/ NSX ownership. You have one, you sell it for reason XYZ, then you regret selling it, and you buy another one. The one thing you'll miss about the m5 (irrespective of which model you have) is the lack of torque in the NSX. Is the m5 your daily driver? Are there already at least 3 cars in the household? I would not drive a NSX as my daily driver.

If it's possible to keep the m5, in addition to purchasing a NSX, I would suggest that as the best route to take.
I know what you're going through. I had two bimmers and and Audi S4 before going with the NSX. My debate was getting an exotic car as a DD.

With the exception of Porsche, German cars are nightmarish with regards to maintenance. A car like the M5 will be at least a grand everytime you drop her off in the shop. They are amazing cars, but just not worth the hassle and the depreciation in the end.

I bought my 91' NSX in November of 2006 with 110k on it. The only thing that I've replace 12,000 miles later was the master and slave clutch cylinders. Yes, the NSX is not cheap to upkeep, but the key here is how FREQUENT you have to upkeep it compared to a German or other exotic cars.

Good luck.

The M5 is one of my fav sedans (never had one though). I'm always looking at them; admiring their design and power. Having said that (as would be expected), I'm still a huge NSX nut.

You will find that many prior NSX owners come back to Prime and post that they miss their NSX and are looking for another one. Sometimes it takes a long, long time to find one you like when you come back for your second, third, etc. Read through some of the "would like to buy" Owner Discussion sections and you'll see posts from people looking to come back to the NSX.
What did you buy?
E46 for daily driving duty for drop off and pick up of the kids. The E46 lasted 3months which is how long it took for me to get the title in the mail from the DMV.

I then decided to try out an S2000 which I proceeded to supercharge and modify. It's a great car, but it just didn't stir the same emotions. I hated the power steering and I didn't like how heavy the car was for the amount of torque there was. I sold the S2000 after a year of ownership.

I test drove a bunch of other cars but nothing seemed to feel right to me other than the NSX. If the Cayman had come out sooner, maybe I would have changed my mind. I haven't driven one yet, but sitting in one and reading reviews about it makes me think it's the modern day NSX by Porsche.

What were your disappointments and regrets?
I can't get over how much I love the feel of the manual rack. The steering wheel feel and midengine layout makes it special to me. I also find the seating position and surroundings really nice. All the new cars have high belt lines and since I'm short I get a bit claustrophobic.

How long did it take you to return?
1 yr 2 months 27 days and 6 hours:redface:

I personally don't see any problems with daily driving the NSX. I surely do and alot of others on the forums also use the NSX as their daily driver.
I never intended to end my time as an NSX owner, but I crashed NSX #1 in September of 2005 and the car was totalled.

In October of 2005, I traded in my 2004 TL daily driver for a 2003 BMW M3 that was meant to be both daily driver and weekend/track car.

I picked up a hand-me-down Legend beater in the Spring of 2006 for commuting and bad weather duty.

By November of 2006 my desire for another NSX was too strong to resist and I started seriously looking again. By December I had purchased another NSX, from a prime member.

At present, the M3 (on snow tires) is the daily driver/commuter/winter car and the NSX is the weekend/track car sleeping in the garage. I drive 30-35k miles a year or more, so that means 20-25k a year on the M3 and 10-12k on the NSX.

2008 is likely to bring the sale of the M3 in favor of an old 1988 E28 M5 and a more practical, warrantied daily driver. (2008 TSX is the top contender)

If things go well in the next year or two I may add a 2002+ NSX for a nice-weather daily driver, although the 996 TT is quite tempting for that spot. I need a larger garage first.

My NSX is a permanent member of the 'collection'.
Is the m5 your daily driver? Are there already at least 3 cars in the household? I would not drive a NSX as my daily driver.

No...The M5 is pretty much a garage queen. I have a daily beater for the week. Couldn't imagine driving something that I really love back and forth to work around here. Too much traffic and crazy drivers in my area. Having said that..the M5 is not a car to sit. You HAVE to beat the hell out of it every once in a while.

Are there already at least 3 cars in the household?

Yeah...my wife has the kids and grocery hauler. I have another daily driver and also a sportbike for really nice days. Although I don't really ride the bike that much anymore.

I've seen a good number of threads of ex-owners dying to get back into another NSX. On the M5 Board you don't see it that much. There are some from time to time but not that many come back. They usually go Porsche. I thought about that as well, but not really interested in owning one. Plus, it would HAVE to be 996 Turbo(997 is out of my range). Otherwise, it's just another Porsche IMO. I realize I would be giving up a lot of torque and head snapping power, but I think I could live with that. The look and rarity of the NSX has always drawn me back. Regular 5 series BMWs can remove/add a few parts and resemble a M5. I don't believe it's possible to do that with anything to resemble a NSX.

Thanks for the quick responses!
I left the fold a few years ago. Went about 6-12mos without one and went on vacation in CA and saw a few out there and got a soft spot for them again so the wifey gave me the go ahead to get #2.
Been back ever since.:smile:
My first NSX was a bone stock 94 that I added rims and suspension to. The car was awesome looking but I felt it lacked power (don’t have fund for turbo/super charger yet). I sold it a year and 15k miles later, on account of my kid being born and a shift in priorities. I picked up a 300ZX TT a few months later with all the goodies cheap. I needed something to drive besides the family truckster. Car hauled some serious ass!! It was then I realized how much I missed my NSX. All the power in the world was not going to make the 300 an NSX. When the wife gave me the go ahead a few years later to get another NSX, I sold the Z and grabbed another NSX in less than month. The NSX is just an awesome car!! Sitting in the garage it looks as if it’s going 100 mph. Short on power maybe, but definitely not on looks, feel and pure driving pleasure!! NSX FTW!!
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i thought about selling my a couple years back but before i did i wanted to do some R&D to see wat car i wanted that could be as good or better than the nsx... to make a long story short i still have my nsx wouldnt sell it for a million... well maybe but w/e... never found a car that i thought was all around better than the nsx
Two posts in a row with people having to get their wive's PERMISSION to get the car???:confused:

lot easier to spend the time and energy researching and looking for one with her blessing than it is behind her back.
granted can buy pretty much anything I want and don't really have to ask, it seems like the courteous and polite thing to do.
are you married? if so, do you ever ask the wife what her opinion is on doing something or do you just do it and not worry what she says or feels?
if not, then you don't understand.
granted can buy pretty much anything I want and don't really have to ask, it seems like the courteous and polite thing to do.
Of course! But it sounded like in was a no-go until the wife said "go ahead", i.e. gave you her permission.

are you married? if so, do you ever ask the wife what her opinion is on doing something or do you just do it and not worry what she says or feels?
Not married, but I of course understand asking her opinion and how she feels about it. That's important! But if it was something I really wanted, I would go ahead with it anyway (if I could afford it).

No offense intended towards you or your wife. :smile:
I looked at the NSX in 2002. Did not purchase one. got an Audi S4
Looked again in 2004, got a pick up truck and a GTI daily driver instead
Looked again in summer of 06... bought a BMW z4
8 months later, The bug hit when I met Randy (nsxtootall) at my healthclub and I purchased mine in Jan 07.

What the hell did I wait for!!! UGG

Soo the story continues. A buddy got a Cayman S with Coilovers and some Tech Art treatment. Got to drive that car for a day and I gota say, I was close to selling the NSX for that car a few weeks ago but then I got home and looked at her (nsx) in the Garage and reminded myself that there is no comparison!
Driver 5,
To answer your question--When I got tired of the NSX-bought another NSX. When tired of that NSX-bought another NSX. When bored with that-bought present NSX. get the picture? It is the END ALL!!! :biggrin:
Two posts in a row with people having to get their wive's PERMISSION to get the car???:confused:

Nothing wrong with asking the wife for permission. That's good fiscal responsibility. Remember that money is one of the top 3 reasons why people get divorced. Furthermore, divorce is probably the biggest road block to an early retirement. I asked my wife for permission, and persistence paid off (3 no's, and 1 yes). :biggrin:
Two posts in a row with people having to get their wive's PERMISSION to get the car???:confused:

That's funny. When I went to look at mine, as soon it came into view about a quarter mile away, I came to a stop in the middle of the road and told my wife I was going to buy it. It was the first NSX I had ever seen.

driver 5, time to change to driver nsx. I had a 1996 and 2002 911 prior to the nsx. While a little short on power the comfort and the handling of the NSX can't be beat. You won't miss the M5 at all. The only other practical sports car is a 911. I find the NSX much more comfy on an extened ride than the 911. Good luck!
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Hey, all,
My story:
I purchased my first NSX (a '94) in 2000, and sold it a year later (with 20K additional miles!:biggrin: ). Thought about a 2002-2003 Porsche 996 in the meantime, and was this > < close to buying one. I was also considering an MB SL500, but ultimately went with another NSX. -Tom
A happy Wife, results in a Happy Husband. Make her happy first then your happiness will prevail.:smile:
This thread is like some big Honda ad.

I don't have these stories but I will say that I always wanted an NSX. Looked at one, bought a Supra instead. Years later I sold it, looked at another NSX, bought a Lexus SC400 instead. 2 years later I looked at another NSX, and bought a Mercedes CL600 instead. Mind you, when I say "looked at", it means in a classified ad. That is all. Finaly, I had enough of myself, and I told myself to Shut the F**K up for once and let me get the car I really wanted. :biggrin: I bought an '05 from across the country never having seen it, or driven it... or any NSX really... and now I really know I should have done this a long time ago. I looked at and drove many different cars before I bought this NSX. Aston Martin Vantage, Maserati Grand Sport, 360 Modena, SL600 and SL65, 997S, 996TT, Cayman S, M5 (new one), 645ci. Yet after test driving all these, I decided to buy an NSX sight unseen never having driven one. I took it off the enclosed carrier, and I knew immediately I made the right decision. Finaly. I have to tell you, I like this car more than all the ones I drove, and that is not a shabby list of cars.

Now I have this fantastic exhaust system and a supercharger, but I have to say I did like the car stock just fine. Unless I get pulled away by a GT-R or an LF-A, I probably will not sell this car for a long time.

I recently went back to the Aston dealership and the guys that worked there were all interested in my NSX. There was a crowd of Aston Mechanics around my Honda. One guy up the street owns a 512 TR and he said to me "I don't know why I didn't just get one of these instead". He puts 1000 miles a year on the 512 and it costs him big.
1992 NSX, bought in 1999 after dreaming about one for 10 years.
Sold in 2003 because I moved out of the country.

Replaced with a 2002 Lexus IS200 (yes, it was a 2.0L, not a typo)
Replaced again with a 2002 Lexus IS300, since IS200 didn't have enough power

Returned to US in 2004, got a 2005 S2000, not the same

Back with an NSX now, since 2005.

Missed the NSX the whole time I was without one. I would never dream of selling the one I have now.
Look at the posyt that I had made:


I had the NSX 2004 for 6 months, said the car was kind of plain, sold it, bought a Ferrari, worst car I ever had, made my Benz SL 600 look like a Toyota... Sold the Foo rarri, called the guy I sold my NSX to and paid hin $5,000 more then he paid me for the car. Just was thinking of getting rod ofd the NSX for a Porsche Turbo Cab, and had to have my prime brothers tell me how I should keep the NSX...

For the first time in my life I listened and have kept the NSX... I dont think that I will get rid of the car in the near future. It drives to well and looks to good to get rid of....

Plus with production number 007 how can I go wrong...

Mu .02 cants worth....
