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  1. T

    Anyone else ordering an AR today?

    Awesome! Another straight pull Swiss rifle fan. I love my K31; it's a lot more accurate than I am (which isn't saying much, but still :redface:). The action is also incredibly smooth and the whole gun just reeks of quality. Did yours come with a soldier's tag? I have been having trouble finding...
  2. T

    1000.9 rwhp NSX

    Congrats Danny! I'm sure having that much power at your disposal must be addicting, to say the least. Whenever I make it to Vegas I'll be sure to beg you for a ride. :smile:
  3. T

    who has the fastest all/motor nsx

    Danny, You are letting the OP get the best of you my friend. Costa is exhibiting classic "troll" behavior. Which is, say something outrageous or inflammatory and be as ambiguous as possible with any further responses. It's obvious that Costa is either lying outright or using a cheater mod that...
  4. T

    Addicting game

    Thanks man! I was just assuming that the only usable keys were the ones specified in the instructions. I probably would have figured it out eventually (by mashing buttons in frustration.)
  5. T

    Addicting game

    I'm stuck on level 7 and I see NO possible way of getting past it. Anyone gotten farther than that want to give me a hand? Fun game by the way.
  6. T

    what's virginity worth, anyway?

    Anyone else find it funny that the woman in question has a degree in women's studies? Advancing the feminist cause, one auctioned sexual act at a time!
  7. T

    I'll have the grilled sea kitten please!

    <embed src='http://www.peta.org/sea_kittens/_swf/sea_kitten.swf?c=sa&c0=2&c1=1&c2=1&c3=2&c5=3&c6=1&c9=1&c10=1&n=Vinnie&d=peta.org&tc=skembed' allowscriptaccess='always' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='300'...
  8. T

    I'll have the grilled sea kitten please!

    http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=99249669 The latest inane offering from PETA. Some highlights: "PETA thought that by renaming fish sea kittens, compassionate people who would never dream of hurting a dog or a cat might extend that sympathy to fish, or sea kittens," PETA...
  9. T

    At least he was polite about it...

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090109/ap_on_fe_st/odd_masked_robber It turns out that Stow, Ohio deserves a better class of criminal. And I don't think he is the one to give it to them. :biggrin:
  10. T

    Thinking of a new daily...

    :eek: Man, if that's what you consider as not spending much money I have one question for you...can I have a loan? :tongue:
  11. T

    Why did not someone tell me?

    Alas, this is not true. http://www.snopes.com/autos/techno/icon.asp I've found that most cars have an arrow pointing to which side the filler cap is on. If the car doesn't have an arrow you can always use Derelict's tip.
  12. T

    Alternative to the 2nd gen NSX

    Haha, that was great! Thanks for sharing. Although my initial reaction to this was laughter, I found myself slowly succumbing to an uneasy malaise. There are aspects of this satire that are not all that far-fetched nowadays.
  13. T


    Hahaha, thanks for ruining that mental image for me. Although that isn't nearly as bad as something an older female co-worker once told me. Me and a few other guys were ogling an attractive woman when the aforementioned co-worker blurts out, "Those tight pants are going to give her a yeast...
  14. T

    A different kind of speed

    That looks like it would be unbelievably intense! One of these days I would love to try it. Thanks for posting this. Anyone want to make this a Prime get together? :cool:
  15. T

    Should have made it a Blockbuster night...

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081228/ap_on_re_us/movie_noise_shooting While I would never take it NEARLY this far, I do understand where he (the shooter) is coming from. Going out to the movies is nearly unbearable now. It's either screaming babies, cell phone conversations, teenagers running...
  16. T

    Bush and Shoes

    Maybe not. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20081215/wl_nm/us_iraq_bush_shoes Some highlights: "Al-Baghdadiya television played endless patriotic music, with Zaidi's face plastered across the screen." "A Libyan charity group chaired by leader Muammar Gaddafi's daughter, Aicha Gaddafi, gave Zaidi...
  17. T


    http://www.davekopel.com/2A/Foreign/Japan-Gun-Control-and-People-Control.htm I found this link quite interesting in regards to Japan's gun control laws. Now, I'm certainly no expert on Japanese law, but from what I have heard the aforementioned article seems to be fairly accurate. But if I am...
  18. T

    Guy posts pics of his Integra and "hot" GF...LOLz...

    +1 This reminds me of a "Show off your girlfriend" thread on one of the motorcycle forums I frequent. A guy posts a picture of his modest looking girlfriend and gets made fun of for going out with someone so "ugly". It was like being in a high school locker room; a lot of guys with no dignity...
  19. T

    Need your Opinion on Product Design Project - "Smart Mug"

    Just as a precursor, I want to say that I am in no way attempting to bash your product. I am simply trying to offer up some constructive criticism. :smile: The idea of attaching a hard drive to a coffee mug is a bewildering concept to me. Placing potentially critical information underneath a...
  20. T

    Hedger Tech Needed

    I've had great luck with Echo products. They offer a great value for the money and are very reliable. http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&productId=100069998 I have this exact same hedge trimmer and I like it better than a...
  21. T

    Most Fun for $25,000 (Car and Driver article)

    Re: Congratulation Ken Sax - You and your car are in Car and driver http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103266 :tongue: Edit: Not fast enough
  22. T

    Leryn Franco

    Hahaha, some great interpretation skills you have there!
  23. T

    "Official Ayrton Senna Tribute thread"

    Here are a few more, including a higher resolution version of Ayrton washing his NSX. :smile:
  24. T

    abusive relationship any advice?

    Unfortunately, there really isn't much you can do at this point. Calling the cops sounds like a good idea, but just from the way you are describing her reactions to the situation ("it's not that bad, "I still love him") even if you call she will not press charges. And then the guy will probably...
  25. T

    Do you understand the meaning of this quote?

    Wow, I completely misunderstood what was trying to be conveyed in that quote. To be honest, I have only a very basic understanding of Buddhism and other eastern religious ideals. However, now that you have explained it to me I understand what the message is. Or at least I understand the concept...