FBI Posts Fake Hyperlinks To Trap Downloaders of Illegal Porn

Yup Rob - justice is not just, just like the rape cases against the Duke LaCrosse players when the prosecutor got dis-barred.

Did Nifong do even one day in prison for ruining those kids lives?????
Did Nifong do even one day in prison for ruining those kids lives?????
According to this he did a couple of days in jail. He's now bankrupt and filed in January...

Funny quote here: Nifong asked the state attorney general's office and the Administrative Office of the Courts to pay his legal fees and help defend him, but both offices refused on the grounds that Nifong's actions involved "fraud, corruption (and) malice."[89] In response, Nifong's attorney quoted Nifong as saying, "I don't know why I continue to expect people to do the right thing."