NSX for sale ad deleted today - why?

5 May 2003
Bentonville, AR
A few days ago, I posted an ad for my NSX for sale. Tonight I got a message that it was moved...Why? Where? The link in the message doesn't allow me to see where it was moved to, and did not explain why it was moved (deleted).

Here's the message I received:

Hi MisterNSX,

The post that you created in the following thread has been moved

Post: 2001 Acura NSX-T
30,527 miles

Monaco ...

New Thread: 2001 Monaco Blue SportShift JH4NA126X1T000001

This is an automated system notification - you cannot reply. If you have questions or concerns about this notification, please post here: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=13

The Forum Management
<!-- / message -->

Gary Berger
[email protected]
I'd really appreciate a response to this thread. I read the posting rules and
still do not understand why my NSX For Sale ad was pulled. I still cannot
access either the "moved from" nor the "moved to" links above,
it errors out. I also sent a private message to the moderator yesterday.
As far as I can tell, the ad is completely gone, without explanation.

Gary Berger
[email protected]
This is odd. I saw the ad when it was up. Now, like you, can not find it anywhere.

Did you piss someone off ? :rolleyes:
Nope, didn't piss anyone off (at least not that I've been told about.)

Today I received an initial response from the moderator, to which I have replied asking for clarification. I still do not know if or when my ad will be reinstated.
This has been resolved as of 2pm CDT May 1.
To answer your question why the ad was pulled, as far as I can tell, the administrator noticed that I had posted an ad for another NSX for sale a couple of months earlier, so they pulled BOTH ads, and then failed to tell me.

They did not understand why I had two ads posted, one of which had someone else's email address as the contact. (Its because I wrote, photographed and posted the ad for my neighbor.)

After some back and forth emails (with the standard administrator delays) and a disclaimer added to the ad for my neighbor's NSX, both ads were reinstated. I could not find anything in the rules that said I could not have two NSXs for sale at the same time, nor anything about posting for someone else. I was told that there are too many special situations to have them all documented in the rules.

And I had to change my signature so that it did not say "for sale" in it (it now says "now have")

A frustrating few days, but all is well now.