Shipping a car to Europe...and back!


Experienced Member
11 May 2011
Houston, TX
Has anybody here shipped a car to Europe, let's say Rotterdam, drove it around there for let's say a Month and then brought it back here in US?

I am thinking about doing so this summer.

Thanks for any input you may have.
Has anybody here shipped a car to Europe, let's say Rotterdam, drove it around there for let's say a Month and then brought it back here in US?

I am thinking about doing so this summer.

Thanks for any input you may have.

It's expensive and time consuming. You can rent very nice cars in Europe and have an almost equal time driving.
I don't know how many spare seats there will be but we had some guys from the Japanese NSX club join us last year, they hired a car and drove about with us and took turns as passengers. Not quite as good as bringing your own car though...
I have a feeling (and it's just a feeling) but I think if you want to drive NSX around you can try talking down local owners to rent it. Unless you want to have an experience of driving your own around Eur. I was planning to buy a vehicle overseas (Prague) and ship it here. A bit lighter and smaller than NSX and I got quote for around 2k from Eur (port in the Black Sea) to Long Beach, CA; So just to give you an idea.
Once you don't stuff it into the armco, they will never know it's been on the Nurburgring...

I believe that you can rent Cars at the Nurburging as well. Renault Clo 5 and Suzuki Swift

I rented a Bimmer when I was there Bram. There are quite a few cars to choose from, but it was my first time on a track so I didn't want to go too crazy. Next time will be a different story. Maybe a 911, at least something with a stick and some more go. I would have been faster in a V6 Accord coupe than that floppy paddle BMW. An S2000 would be a blast there or a NSX of course. Most of my laps were in the wet, on the first lap it was snowing. One of the last laps the track dried out half decent and I stayed fairly close to a couple of guys in a S2000. I would say it wasn't their first time there, so I was happy with that. When you rent the car you are on the hook for up to 6 or 7 grand if you bend the car up good, plus the repairs to the guardrails, tow trucks, ambulances, etc. Needless to say I had to listen to a sermon from the wife before heading out. She wouldn't go with me, and neither would my brother. They were plenty nervous in our rental Merc on the autobahn. They definitely would have crapped a load at the ring.

The regular car rental places apparently often have spotters at the track. If they catch you out there with one of their cars you are blacklisted forever with that company.
The regular rental companies aren't real thrilled about you taking their rental cars to the Nurburgring.:grumpy:

When we went a few years ago, the car rental company in Frankfurt specifically forbid any driving at the Nurburgring. I thought I'd be a smart ass and ask about a track event at Hockenheim (which we went to but not a DE event)instead of the Nurburgring...they didn't find it humorous. There are specific car rentals at the Nurburgring that are more suited and take into account crashes via special insurance they offer.
I rented the Suzuki Swift last year and had a blast. As far as taking my rental on the Ring...Europcar forbidded any Ring shenanigans and it would of been easy to get ratted on as well. With the amount of photographers at the ring and the license plate said Europcar on it too. But I did do a DE event at Spa with it. :D

Bas's friend (is Bas on prime?) rents out cars at the ring (m3's, 911's etc...)

edit: Oh don't think you'll be able to get away with taking off your plates either. That'll get you stopped by the cops. A GT3 put on some vanity plates on his car, the plate said ????? he got stopped by the cops and had to pay a fine.
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Hey guys, I don't care about the rental experiences.

I am looking for shipping quotes and experience.
Thanks [MENTION=27958]solidol[/MENTION]