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  • Hi,
    I am interested in the ball studs and screw for rear trunk struts install.
    Please contact me directly at 215 500 1488
    Sorry I don’t think I have the ball screws anymore. Still have old shocks tho
    Brucelee, you were in a conversation a while back regarding center caps for '91 and later NSX's. I recently lost a center cap from one of my '91 stock wheels, and some of the "fingers" are broken on the others. So I am looking for a new set of 4. My wheels are polished so I need chrome center caps. Thank you!
    Lee. I’ll take em. Let me know where to PayPal and I’ll send $250 + 3%. Thanks! I live next door in Michigan, so hopefully shipping will be cheap. I’m not in a big hurry, don’t pay extra for fast shipping.
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