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evans waterless coolant

  1. nsxspdfreak

    Evans High Performance Waterless Coolant Evaluation

    Evans Waterless Coolant Evaluation – 1991 NSX Normally Aspirated. A friend of mine had put me onto Evans Waterless Coolant and its benefits of 0 corrosive properties, less stress on cooling system components due to the fact that it can operate at atmospheric pressure due to its 375deg...
  2. nsxspdfreak

    Evans High Performance Waterless Coolant Evaluation

    <!--[if !mso]> <style> v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} </style> <![endif]--> Evans Waterless Coolant Evaluation – 1991 NSX Normally Aspirated. A friend of mine had put me onto Evans...