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303 Aerospace Protectant Vs. Armor-All

13 August 2003
well I've been using armor for quite a while now.
i've put it on my dash, plastic trims, and hoses
since they claim it is uv ray protectant, i figure why not.
some people claimed that it makes their dash "sticky" and "dries" out the vinyl. but I haven't came across that problem yet.

then i did some more researching for other interior cleaners, and I've came across 303 Aerospace

so i went ahead and found my local supplier and bought a 16 oz bottle of it.

i went home and put it on
thing is i took a cloth and srayed it on and wiped it down dry.

it doesn't leave that silicon/glaze look like the armor all does, so it's hard to see where you've previously applied the 303.

I can't really tell how well the product works now, but I will eventually see.

anyone else is welcome to have some input about 303
I've used 303 for a long time. If boats use it, then I figure it's good enough for my dashes.

I quit Armorall a long time ago.
I use Armor-All mixed with a small dose of Mazola. Covers and protects so well that it won't come off.
I agree 303 is great.
I haven't used AA in many, many years and don't recommend it.

AA has a fish oil base and works great if you don't let it dry out but the down side is it will put an oily film on the inside of your glass.

I've been using 303 for years.