6th gear lockout - On conversion

17 December 2001
Portland, Or
Does anyone know if there are any other kits to turn on the reverse lock out on a 6 speed swap? I know comptech makes one, but it is 600.00. Seems expensive for its funtionality.

Any ideas?
I'm not aware of any other lockout kit besides Comptech, I could be wrong however. Did you happen to find a used 6 speed or did you purchase a new one?
These were the posts, in their entirety. There were some others from other folks but I think these were the most informative.

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 16:38:04 EST
Subject: Re: [NSX] RE: 6sp reverse lockout, was Acura suit
To: [email protected], [email protected]
CC: [email protected]

Ken, All, The lockout pin comes with the tranny, as Chris correctly points out. The 3.0L's come with a speed sensor for the speedo, but it is not equipped to "talk" to the lockout solenoid. The black box CT sells simply takes the speed signal already present for the speedo and teaches it to speak to the tranny as well. I am shocked it cost so much because it is such a simple task. Maybe CompTech did this in some way that cost alot. I for one do not believe that CT is simply trying to get rich on everything they sell, they probably did this task in a way that cost alot.

I would bet that Bryan Zublin could build a black box devise for this job for 50.00 or less. He has already learned how to use these ecu signals for smartShift and the like, why not for SmartReverse? SmartBackUp? SmartGrind-No-More? Smart-, aw never mind.

Mark Basch

Message: 8
From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 17:59:07 EST
Subject: Re: [NSX] RE:Reverse lock out
To: [email protected], [email protected]

Mike, The actual devise that stops you from moving the lever into R is inside the gearbox. The electric solenoid that operates the lockout mounts outside the case and seals the thru hole with an oring arrangement similar to the one on the speedo pulsar shaft. It operates on a simple 13.5v signal. Apply 13.5V, R UNlocked. Open circuit, R Locked out.

Mark Basch

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 15 January 2002).]