91 NSX vs. 05 Boxster S vs. 05 Elise

3 August 2006
The OC
Went up to the Glendora Mountains this weekend to test drive my car... I was lucky to have the oppurtunity to drive 2 other midship cars! The 05 Porsche Boxster S and the 05 Lotus Elise.

What an amazing experience! I had a good time driving my car as well as test driving the Boxster S and Elise to it's limits (safely of course). I have to say that all 3 mid-engine cars handled extremely well up there. The NSX was super stable and offered confidence around high speed turns. The Boxster was refined and extremely easy to drive and so similar to the NSX. Now the Elise was in a league of its own... I wouldn't drive the car everyday but I have to say that it is one of the most enjoyable cars to drive! It felt like a large go-cart! Extremely nimble and on edge. All in all each car has its positive and negatives but if I had to have one car out of the three I would still choose the NSX! God bless the NSX! :smile:



What an experience that would be, it looks like you have some nice roads there. How was the power between the three cars?
I know what you mean about the Elise. Everyday drive is very questionable. I have to agree with you on the feel of our Nsx over others.
What an experience that would be, it looks like you have some nice roads there. How was the power between the three cars?

To be honest with you, the 3.0 with the long usdm gear ratio was too long for this mountain. Going up it needed more torque. I wish I had some japanese short gears! I/m sure the 3.2 w/ 6speed would have been ideal. The Porsche had plenty of torque and did an excellent job going up the mountain. The Lotus obviously had less hp and torque on paper but since it weighs only 2000 lbs or so it didn't feel like it was lacking much. It also had a shorter gear ratio which helps it get up and going. I have to say that the transmission is superior in the NSX. The shifts were precise unlike the Porsche and the Lotus. Theres way too much play. I would have to say the NSX with the NSX-R front sway bar and 05 rear swaybar offered a nice neutral feel around turns with a slight understeered that helps build confidence.

I will put up a small review when i can with a 1 to 10 rating to illustrate how they feel between the cars. You really have to drive these other cars if you ever have a chance. I can't believe a 17 year old car can perform as well as it does. Simply amazing!
To be honest with you, the 3.0 with the long usdm gear ratio was too long for this mountain.

The long gears bog around these corners uphill. That's why I enjoy the JDM gears/4.23 much more over the long ones. :D
The long gears bog around these corners uphill. That's why I enjoy the JDM gears/4.23 much more over the long ones. :D

EXACTLY!If it had shorter gears I would have been in heaven! My next major mod will be the JDM gears and 4.23 final! :biggrin: