All this talk of Secret Service in the news makes me think.....

15 October 2003
West coast!
What qualifications do you need to be in this elite group?

I was doing some reading today on my ipad after watching the morning news, quite interesting :)

With all the news and limelight right now and talk of the director stepping down, I wanted to learn more about how they hire and stuff. What do you guys make of the current events so far?

The accusations sounds hard to believe!
The background screening is very extensive, most of the key positions are extensive background investigations with full lifestyle polygraphs. Even then, most of the USSS is not assigned to Presidential Details, very few are - and most are prior military, special operations, FBI backgrounds, etc.

Besides, the pay really isn't all that great and what you do - you can't exactly share much with friends and family.
When we did the White House Press Corp charters and followed around the little DC9 AF One, we had a SS member on board our aircraft in the Jumpseat. He was extreamly professional, thurough, likeable and a true class act.

It's a shame a few bad apples spoil the public's perception. But it will pass in time.

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