any mounting issues with focal 165 vr

25 January 2008
Looking at buying a pair of focal 165 vr. Will there be any mounting issues. Should i buy the focal 165 vrs (the slim ones) instead. Only want to buy once. And is there a better pair of speakers than these for 300.00 that i should look at as well. Thanks guys
Looking at buying a pair of focal 165 vr. Will there be any mounting issues. Should i buy the focal 165 vrs (the slim ones) instead. Only want to buy once. And is there a better pair of speakers than these for 300.00 that i should look at as well. Thanks guys

What's the depth of the speakers? The speakers I installed the other day are 2.81 inches in depth. Mounted with the new SOS door speaker plates, everything mounts perfectly, and when the door panel is re-installed, the fit and finish is as good as OEM.

- Zishan
According to Focal's website, they are 74mm deep, which is approximately 2.9 inches. Slightly deeper than my speakers.

They should fit, but I can't say for certain. :redface:
I put in Focal K2P without any problems. You should also look at Dynaudio. I will have a set of used but perfect condition available soon out of my BMW.
Thanks guys I went with a pair of Rainbow profi phase plug 6.5. Surpose to be really good handmade german speakers. If you have heard anything about them please chime in. Oh I have an Audison srx 3, 3 channel amp to power them. Any advice on the DVD Navigation unit....looking at kenwood 8120dnx, pioneer has new stuff that is cheaper but i dont think people have been very happy with the new pioneer line up. Any advice?
I listened to the new Pioneer Premier decks today. They have a unique feature where they restore the quality of compressed digital source material from MP3s etc. It sounded fantastic as compared to other head units I have demo’d. They are also hand built, have a copper chassis and a 2 year warranty. I also recommend the HD radio add on which provide superior sound as well to other sources which might be compromised by car-bourne originating interference. good luck.