Anyone have a close-up pic of the instrumental panel?

20 October 2001
I've been searching all over the nsx webring for a pic of the panel but to no avail. If anyone has a close up pic please post it here or shoot me up an email. Thanks a bunch!
There's one on my site somewhere.... on one of the pages........

Todd Arnold
Originally posted by Lud:
If you have a reason beyond "I'm curious" for needing it, I'll go take one with my digital camera...

Well I just wanted to see if Acura had made any changes on the instrumental panel over those 10 years. I would hope they had incorporated some digital technology on the dash.
They have not changed the dash since the NSX was introduced.

Good thing, too. I think they got it just about PERFECT.
I agree with NSXtasy.

The NSX readout tells you everything that is necessary for the car to be running. In my opinoin, the digital readouts, lesser gages of the current production vehicles that seem to be going to makes you not only un-attentive to whats going on in your car (hence probably making you complacent about car maintanence and hence more time in the shop which means more money to the car companies), but damn if I drove in a car like that, I would fall asleep from the sheer boredom of not looking at anything else while driving the car!

[This message has been edited by Redeye (edited 05 December 2001).]
Actually they did change something.......... The size of the marker lines on all the guages are thicker starting in 94. Much uglier actually than the thinner lines on 91-93. After looking at the lines on an early NSX, the later models look almost cartoonish/domestic.

Todd Arnold
The size of the marker lines on all the guages are thicker starting in 94.

Hey, Lud - you need to add that to the FAQ section of "Changes by Year"!
Yes, there have been a few lights added with the different changes.... like the targa light for example.....

p.s. you liked that line one didn't ya Ken? That's from the deep deep NSX fan list of observances.....

Todd Arnold

[This message has been edited by Nsxotic (edited 05 December 2001).]