Well, remember yesterday when I asked if there was anything special I needed to know about changing the batery out......?????... well, today, one of my techs was doing this for me while at work. I was at his side watching and bullshitting........ Everything was going fine until he was trying to lift the battery out of the car. His rubber gloves kept slipping so he grabbed the battery tool and decided to remove it this way. He bent over, hooked the tool on there, started picking it up and as he was swinging it out of the car and off to the side............ the tool slipped off and the battery landed dead on the passenger headlight assembly... It is shattered!!!!! I guess I should've asked how to avoid that! Anyway, here's the questions....... ``````````````````` There seems to be just a cover that goes around the headlight. This is the painted piece that is shattered...... The light still works and everything seems fine except the replacement of the cover. Is this just a simple remove and replace type of thing? I called my Acura store and got cost. It seems like a good deal but then I'd have to paint it...... Most know how I feel about that. If I have to paint a new one, then there will be an NSX for sale. Does anyone know where I can get one in original Berlina black? Or how much these run when buying one used..... Am I missing anything? I am so devastated..........
Todd Arnold
Todd Arnold
