As I flew on Continental this past weekend... Here's what I noticed... NSX?

17 January 2008
Austin, TX / Pensacola, FL
As I was flying back home this weekend, I was flipping through the pages of the SkyMall magazine, that they have stuffed in the seats in front of you... to my surprise, here's what I saw...

LOL, someone that works for skymall has a NSX. U missed a great show the other weekend, Jack took best of show, this is Rob, give him a shout, later

Yea, I heard. I totally forgot about it and ended up having to work :frown:, plus a couple of days before that show I had a rock chip my window, which developed a big crack :mad:... didn't want peeps to see my baby like that...
Yea, I heard. I totally forgot about it and ended up having to work :frown:, plus a couple of days before that show I had a rock chip my window, which developed a big crack :mad:... didn't want peeps to see my baby like that...

That sucks, sent ya a pm about it.

And its funny to see how so many people notice something so small,
the owner is some where in Anaheim, Socal