Autowave has gone green

19 September 2005
Huntington Beach, CA
Hey guys,

Just like to share with you all a little TV show we just finished up and now is airing on Timewarner on demand. It was on drift queen Verena Mei's 350z on how we converted it over to E85 ethanol. If you go to the on demand section on time warner cable and choose sports, then sports on demand,then go to Octane TV, and choose racing greener you can find the episodes there. here is the links to the episodes on the web.
Good work... though you know that Ethanol actually has a higher 'carbon footprint' and is contributing to higher food prices (which means people starve and die in poorer countries..) but HEY it's GREEEEN , Al Gore approves of it and thus we are forbidden to ask any more questions, right?

Just being political... great technological innovation here guys!
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I noticed the octane rating on E85 was listed as 105. Too bad not enough stations sell E85. Good job, makes me want to get a 350Z too.
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