Bmw track day this Friday

23 July 2003
Seattle, WA.
Location: Pacific Raceway

I know I know, people have to work...

I talked to Titaniumdave and he's going to be there instructing. I'm thinking to go there meeting him. Anyone else's interested?

let me know if any of you want to stop by, maybe we can coordinate a little bit.
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Hmm... I might want to show up. When are you going to be there? You think dave will be giving any rides?
Damn. I looked at my meeting calendar to see if I can play hookie and apparently I scheduled the most important meetings at the end of the week! :mad: :eek:

:rolleyes: hmm... I'll see about re-scheduling..

Can we still sign up?
I'm not signing up, I have my grand parents visiting me from HK, and more than a few of my relatives flying in to meet them.

I'm having a little issue with my suspension and maybe Dave will be able to shag some light on it. More importantly, just to chat with him.