I'll give you some facts:
1. The TAITEC exhaust is significantly less expensive.
2. The TAITEC exhaust is significantly lighter.
3. The exhaust is slightly louder than Comptech, but it does NOT drone. The drone noise that you are probably refering to results from exhausts not properly tuned. You most often hear this coming from owners of the RM exhaust (which I previously owned as well).
I'll give you an opinion:
1. I prefer the sound of the TAITEC exhaust. The note is very subdued at lower RPMs, being a touch louder and deeper than factory. At high RPMs, especially at VTEC @ WOT, the exhaust transforms into a note that is very distictive of the Japanese exhausts. Best way to describe it is a high pitched and low pitched tuned note. My most frequent comment from buyers of the TAITEC exhaust is that they are very happy with the ability to drive around town with out being noticed, while being able to 'kick it up a notch' on the freeway.
That being said, I also like the Comptech products. The latest generation headers and exhausts exhibit smart engineering and excellent build quality. I believe that they surpass all other American-based NSX products. I also have Comptech products available for sale, and run the Comptech header system on my own car.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
-- Chris
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