Thats just wrong, they are working hard to get back into production for us.
A few units have shipped to start filling back orders.
A lot of the fittings for cnc and what not where lost in the shuffle and the CT-Eng boys are hard at it.
Rome was not built in a day, maybe a week or so.
Hang on to your shorts.
You may have misunderstood my statement "ifffy", ie Not Knowing the true state.......I am a person that hope their future is bright, since I have several of their products installed and continue to buy them from ebay and other online stores that still have stock . I didn't say that their products were bad or anything, but just stated the fact that I emailed a couple of times and got no response. I am a true believer that if you are going to have a website and email as away of biz, then use it...
"Hang on to your shorts." -- Been 5 weeks...4 emails...Not on support but Status....
I wanted to buy an 02 and then have SC installed.....But I went ahead and just bought a car with one in it...
However, They are not the first or last car parts online company that have not returned an email.
Of course I wish their products were more affordable, but who doesn't ???
So with that being said, I have no personal knowledge of their future due to direct experience or exposure.
2-3 threads have been started in the past 3 months asking about the company.............
90 Percent of my Biz is done online, so maybe thats why I am so hard on the non email response.
Thanks for the Internal Insight...