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    Caveat Emptor!

dali on vacation???

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I just ordered from Dali today. What's going on? His this guy out of business, in jail, what? :eek:
Racerxjling said:
here we go!!

What he said......... I kinda want to be the forums nazi for a minute. Use you search button friends and see what has been said about this stellar employee.
How can anyone on this forum not know about the problems experienced by a lot of our members regarding this particular vendor??????? It amazes me that we still get posts about this!
i ordered a cf front chin spoiler like a month ago and mark wont return emails? anybody know whats going on?
it just now occurred to me to ask you if you've noted your experience with this vendor in his vendor rating category? if not, you can visit this thread: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53816, scroll down a bit, click on his vendor rating category, then post your comments, etc.

best wishes.
i ordered a cf front chin spoiler like a month ago and mark wont return emails? anybody know whats going on?

Which one did you order? if its the GruppeM, I order that one too, he told me it was out of stock. Why not just ask for money back and get it from SOS..

Ps..I order my Volk GT-7 been almost 3 month already!!!Now that SUCK and VOLK is a big company.
sorry that i dont sit in front of my computer all day and this one got past me. could be because i was on ferrarichat. all i wanted was a spoiler and ive gotten shit from them before. anyway you guys take this way to seriously.
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