DMV Question

25 October 2001
Northern California
Before I get into the labyrinth of finding info from DMV, would they release the name/address/or contact info if I gave them a license plate number with car model/color?
Not positive, but I think it is illegal for the DMV to release that type of information.
Before I get into the labyrinth of finding info from DMV, would they release the name/address/or contact info if I gave them a license plate number with car model/color?

They used to do it here in MA if you went there, filled out a form, paid them, and gave them all sorts of ID. Of course they have no problem selling that data in bulk to other companies though. I think with all the uproar over privacy and stalkers, they will no longer do it, but it's going to vary from state to state. For example, when I had access to Accurint, I could put in a license plate number and pull back that data, but only for certain states. I think 30 or 35 states sold that kind of data, the others were not available, so if Accurint (Lexis/Nexis) couldn't purchase it, they probably wouldn't give it out to an individual either.
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I would presume so too, but how would one track down a party that causes damage? I assume the insurance companies have a means to find this out to avoid paying from their own funds.
I would presume so too, but how would one track down a party that causes damage? I assume the insurance companies have a means to find this out to avoid paying from their own funds.

Well it would be the police that would track them down by plate. If someone hit and ran, you'd file a police report with the license plate number. They'd find the responsible party then it wiould all be turned over to the insurance company. The insurance company would want a police report anyway.
Before I get into the labyrinth of finding info from DMV, would they release the name/address/or contact info if I gave them a license plate number with car model/color?

Depends if the science experiment they have working behind the counter has had their medication or not.

For the most part you shouldn't be able to get information like that by yourself. (At least in CA) It's usually cops or an insurance company that will pull the record though the proper channels. However nothing is perfect and I have heard of instances where people have been able to get information by just walking up to the clerk. Go figure. I guess just look for the clerk with the most bloodshot eyes and seems to be talking to the computer screen, and you might have a good chance. :confused::rolleyes::smile:

If I am not mistaken some celebrity got killed this way. Was a while back so the details are hazy. Some nutjob got the info from the DMV and went to the persons house. Bang. Dead.
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This was not an incident in parked or city driving conditions. It was on the FWY and not a hit and run but other damage due to reckless driving by the other party.

After being given the run around from one office to the other with four transfers to file a CHP report, and then to be told I could file the report only in person and in the county where this occurred, twice removed from where I am, or I should have pulled off the FWY and called 911 !!! ....... I hit the complaint request button as this was getting ridiculous. CHP is statewide organization and I shouldn't be asked to go to the county where this occurred .......... finally got to a local dispatcher who had more wits and humor than the previous ones - even from her office! She was very helpful; and I was correct, this can be filed at the nearest CHP office. Unfortunately, the license number that I recorded on my phone (twice) while on the FWY turned out not to match the license plate of the brand new Ford Taurus ......... the CHP dispatcher even tried to switch a letter or two after hearing my voice message to myself. No luck!
I would presume so too, but how would one track down a party that causes damage? I assume the insurance companies have a means to find this out to avoid paying from their own funds.
Just ask my friend's dad, he works at DMV. No they don't. Unless there is a police report file, and the PD is pulling the info, you can't do any thing.