dull paint patches

1 October 2003
pueblo colorado
I have some plastic parts that have dull paint patches. It is almost as if you are looking through a haze, however it looks good if the patch is wet. Any suggestions on fixing this. I've tried wax to no avail, do I try some polish or do you have any other suggestions?

waymilky said:
I have some plastic parts that have dull paint patches. It is almost as if you are looking through a haze, however it looks good if the patch is wet. Any suggestions on fixing this. I've tried wax to no avail, do I try some polish or do you have any other suggestions?


Hmmm..I have the same problem with a little patch on my front bumper. Tried wiping off some sticky stuff that wouldn't come off with a rag and water. Didn't come off. So I tried some Simple Green, full-strength, and now it has a dull spot where the stickystuff was. :frown:

I too am seeking any suggestions on restoring the lustre. Re-applying Zaino and vigorous wiping and it's still there.
Simple Green, full-strength

As good as that stuff is, it can be a problem full strength. I "detail" my car twice a day at the track with WD-40. Quickly removes all the sticky rubber and bugs I collect after just a 30 minute session. If you don't know the entertaining trivia of WD-40, check out this thread:


{Hmmmmmmmmm............how did I get on this forum :redface: Hope Hiroshima doesnt' catch me in here.}
waymilky said:
I have some plastic parts that have dull paint patches. It is almost as if you are looking through a haze, however it looks good if the patch is wet. Any suggestions on fixing this. I've tried wax to no avail, do I try some polish or do you have any other suggestions?


Wax has no polishing properties alone so you need to get some polish. Try menzerna IP or FPII or Optimum polish. These are my main 3 polishes and they all perform well.

I have used them on plastic materials before and as long as I finished off with the FPII there was no hazing left behind. Now you may have damaged paint so if you see no improvement after first using FPII then take it to a qualified paint and body shop and have them look at it.
