Fathering in America: What’s a Dad Supposed to Do?

Really interesting article. I was raised by a single mother. I never really knew it at the time but I look back now and see how important both parents are. I was lucky enough to have a couple of people take a bit of interest in me and I was able to learn loads of information from lots of different people. So in a way I wonder if having my dad there would have limited my information intake. I think it would have been nice to have him around but I don't think I would have the skill sets and knowledge I have now from a diverse group of pseudo-fathers.
Very cool article! Having recently been able to spend alot more alone time with just my daughter and I it is refreshing knowing I am doing what i am supposed to do. Providing,loving,supporting and caring for every ounce of her life! I LOVE IT!:biggrin: