Fun in Richmond, VA

31 July 2001
Boston, MA
I'm down here in Richmond until Friday for work. We're opening a new office and I came down to set up the network and phone system. The CEO gave me his SLK320 AMG to use while I'm here, fun little car, especially with the top down. Hell of a blind spot behind and to the left though. I'd forgotten how much fun a 2 seater was, it's been almost 18 months since I sold the NSX.
FYI - Cops are on RT288 hardcore the next few weeks.
For some reason everyone seems to know these thing in advance...

Anyway, just an FYI. Don't tripple digit it on 288 while you're here. :)
FYI - Cops are on RT288 hardcore the next few weeks.
For some reason everyone seems to know these thing in advance...

Anyway, just an FYI. Don't tripple digit it on 288 while you're here. :)

Thanks, I have no idea where that is, but if I see it, I'll keep it in mind. I'm pretty much just running between my hotel in Glen Allen and the office, which is route 1 to 295 and am just driving with the flow. Strange car, strange town... I brought my V1 with me as I had thought VA finally legalized radar detectors and DC was the last holdout, but I guess I was wrong.
Thanks, I have no idea where that is, but if I see it, I'll keep it in mind. I'm pretty much just running between my hotel in Glen Allen and the office, which is route 1 to 295 and am just driving with the flow. Strange car, strange town... I brought my V1 with me as I had thought VA finally legalized radar detectors and DC was the last holdout, but I guess I was wrong.

It's only like a $50 fine I think for a radar detector. They will pull you though if they see it.