HELP!!! Stereo isn't working?!?

30 October 2000
Houston, TX
Hey guys,

My head unit seems to be completely dead. It won't power on at all. I checked all the wiring, by it all seems fine.

Kenwood KVT-911

History: Ever since it was installed, sometimes when it was turned up too loud, the headunit would turn off, and then slowly turn back on(like a computer, it takes a few seconds to power up). Eventually this got worse, it would turn on/off more and more. Sometimes it would turn off and flicker like it was trying to turn back on. Anyways, now it's completely dead.

Previously, when I would remove the actual head unit, the stereo would still play music because of the computer mounted behind the passanger seat. I checked that as well, and still nothing.

Odd part: I hear a very slight static from the center speaker between the seats. It's very very slight, even when the key it out and all. I checked the door speakers for any sounds, and they are completely silent.

Any ideas? I'm affaid something is wrong with it now and I spend a ton of money on it. So I'm really bummed. Please advise!? :(

- Z
NSX FoYoAss said:
...My head unit seems to be completely dead. It won't power on at all. I checked all the wiring, by it all seems fine. - Z
Which thread would you like the reply to? ;)

A little more detail required about how it is wired up - is there an adapter harness (or direct spliced connection) coming from the OEM HeadUnit harness plug?
You should check with a voltmeter (or a crude bulb with two wires, one connected to ground, the other lead as your "test" lead) for the power in to the head:
The original harness has two supplies:
pin A4 on OEM plug, WHT/YEL is the constant power & should always be at battery voltage (or illimunate your test light if you are using that); this would be the yellow wire on your Kenwood harness
pin A5 on OEM plug, YEL/RED is at battery power when the key is in the ACC or IGN position only; this would be the red wire on your Kenwood harness

If you have power at those wires, then sorry to say your H/U is bad. If either of the power sources is missing then check downstream for issues - wire connections, fuses 33 in main relay box & fuse 8 in dash box for the constant & acc power respectively. Also make sure the ground (black wire) from your Kenwood harness plug is directly connected to a good solid ground (not to the black wire or green wire on pins A13 or A14 in the OEM harness!)

Edit: remember to check the in-line fuses in the Kenwood harness. I also see there is supposed to be an external ground wire connected from the chassis of the rear of the unit as well as the black one from the Kenwood harness connector directly to the car chassis - see Kenwood KVT-911 Manual page 58.
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