The advice from David and from Purevil on HOW to wash the car is very good advice indeed. I use some other products and get outstanding results from them.
To wash the car, I sometimes use Zymol Clear and sometimes Meguiar's Gold Class. The Meguiar's sudses more but the Zymol is just as effective at cleaning. The Meguiar's is inexpensive, particularly in the large bottle (see ).
With a good wax, you shouldn't need to wax it more than every 3 months or more. I use Zymol wax (the good stuff from Connecticut, not the crummy stuff from Chicago that you see in some stores), although there are other good waxes out there. 3M wax won a recent comparison test in NSX Driver.
Before waxing the first time - and again maybe once a year - you should use a cleaner/polish like Zymol HD-Cleanse or Meguiar's Swirl Remover to remove oxidation and hairline scratches.
For the interior, I've found that Zymol Vinyl is heads and shoulders above anything else for the vinyl surfaces (including the dash and all the interior parts that look like leather but aren't), and leaves a nice, subtle satin sheen. I'm equally impressed with Zymol Treat for the portions that really ARE leather.
There are lots of good products out there, available from the top brands (e.g. Zymol, 3M, Meguiar's, Zymol). Some people start p***ing contests over whose is the best but the fact is that you can get excellent results from any of these lines of products. Take care of your car and it will look great for years to come.
[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 30 May 2001).]