Why can't you tell? If you turn the input shaft some number of turns, then see how many turns the dif makes, do a little math and you can figure it out. You may need to turn the input shaft 50-60 turns, but you can figure it out.
It would be best if you just trusted the seller though
. Checking after it is in the car is only good if it IS shorties w/4.23. I would not want to be there if it was installed and you found it was not
Here's some math to think about:
4th gear for shorties is 1.033 x R&P 4.062 = total ratio 4.196 to 1
4th gear for shorties is 1.033 x R&P 4.235 = total ratio 4.375 to 1
short 4th gear w/ 4.062 would be 50 turns input shaft to 11.916 turns dif
short 4th gear w/ 4.235 would be 50 turns input shaft to 11.429 turns dif
This shows nearly a 1/2 turn difference, definately enough to see with your eye. You just have to take your time and count accurately. I would prefer if someone could check my math,(and my logic
) but you get the idea, you can figure it out.