Important bird-poop question!

8 December 2001
San Luis Obispo, CA & Bellaire, TX
amazing what a couple of hours under a big tree will glean...
ok, so i thought i had washed it all off really well but AFTER i put zymol all over it (i didn't have any zaino handy...) and it looks pretty good, what do i see? yep, waxed-over bird-poop residue... it kinda looks liked finely bubbled paint... it's not noticeable unless you know where to look but i'm concerned about the long-term effects to the paint...

any ideas/suggestions? or should i just sell it now that the paint has been defiled?

Kaye & Trish Riggs
1998 NSX-T
No mods...

[This message has been edited by Number 6 (edited 22 January 2002).]
Use Meguiar's Number 9 Swirl Remover on that spot. It's ever so slightly abrasive - not enough to cloud the finish, but it will take off the bird poop and smooth over the spot. Perfect stuff for something like this.

After you're done, wax the area again.
thank you, ken... i truly appreciate your knowledge of things NSX...

will clean it up tomorrow... i ran out of daylight today...

Kaye & Trish Riggs
1998 NSX-T
No mods...