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Inventory Clearance !!!

16 December 2003
Inventory Clearance!! Final price.

1 NSX New Carbon Shift Booth $80.00 sold
1 NSX New Carbon Engine Cover Lid $475.00
1 NSX New Front Chassis Bar $225.00
4 NSX New Triangle Bar Set $350.00
1 NSX New Carbon Pillar Set $250.00
1 ARC NSX New Intake Box $325.00 sold
5 NSX Type R Style Carbon Fiber Rear Wing w/LED $300.00 sold
1 K.Craft NSX New Oil Catch Tank $375.00
1 OEM NSX New NA2 Brake Up Grade Kit w/Rotors $1,100.00
5 OEM NSX Used Rear spoiler w/LED $275.00
1 RECARO Univ Used Carbon Kevler Seat $1,600.00

you can Email us for any other questions [email protected]
or call us at 281-531-8882
Last edited:
Questions about the NSX-R wing...

hmmm... Anyone have the aforementioned NSX-R wing, or can offer any insights about it's fit & finish? Also, does it need to be painted (?) or the CF weave is ok as-is and doesn't need to be painted... Thanks!
Interrested in NSX-R Wing
Photos ?
PM Sent
I'm interested CF Pillar..
Info please.


triangle bar 2.JPG

nsx oil catch.jpg
1 NSX New Carbon Shift Booth $80.00
1 NSX New Carbon Engine Cover Lid $475.00 <font color=red>sold</font>
1 NSX New Front Chassis Bar $225.00
4 NSX New Triangle Bar Set $350.00
1 NSX New Carbon Pillar Set $250.00
1 ARC NSX New Intake Box $325.00
5 NSX Type R Style Carbon Fiber Rear Wing w/LED $300.00 <font color=red>sold</font>
1 K.Craft NSX New Oil Catch Tank $375.00
1 OEM NSX New NA2 Brake Up Grade Kit w/Rotors $1,100.00
5 OEM NSX Used Rear spoiler w/LED $275.00
1 RECARO Univ Used Carbon Kevler Seat $1,600.00

Some of you may Own a BMW, here are inventory list for BMW, if you have other type of car, you can also ask us what we have for your car.

4 A/C BMW New Replica AC 18" wheels $1,000.00
3 BMW E46 New Angel eye $50.00
1 BMW M3 New Silver Racing Tow Hook $60.00
3 BMW M3 New Carbon front Grill. $65.00
5 BMW M3 New A/C replica rear roof spoiler $75.00
1 BMW M3 New A/C replica front lip $300.00
1 BMW M3 New A/C replica Carbon Wing $200.00
any of those NSX-R spoilers left?
Thank you for asking, 4 spoilers are sold, 1 pending, if the customer back out, I will list it again.
gonna get any more of those nsxr wings?
maybe in the future. but not for the same price. this is just inventory clearance.
Shutokor said:
1 NSX New Carbon Shift Booth $80.00
1 NSX New Carbon Engine Cover Lid $475.00 <font color=red>sold</font>
1 NSX New Front Chassis Bar $225.00
4 NSX New Triangle Bar Set $350.00
1 NSX New Carbon Pillar Set $250.00
1 ARC NSX New Intake Box $325.00
5 NSX Type R Style Carbon Fiber Rear Wing w/LED $300.00 <font color=red>sold</font>
1 K.Craft NSX New Oil Catch Tank $375.00
1 OEM NSX New NA2 Brake Up Grade Kit w/Rotors $1,100.00
5 OEM NSX Used Rear spoiler w/LED $275.00
1 RECARO Univ Used Carbon Kevler Seat $1,600.00

Some of you may Own a BMW, here are inventory list for BMW, if you have other type of car, you can also ask us what we have for your car.

4 A/C BMW New Replica AC 18" wheels $1,000.00
3 BMW E46 New Angel eye $50.00
1 BMW M3 New Silver Racing Tow Hook $60.00
3 BMW M3 New Carbon front Grill. $65.00
5 BMW M3 New A/C replica rear roof spoiler $75.00
1 BMW M3 New A/C replica front lip $300.00
1 BMW M3 New A/C replica Carbon Wing $200.00

I'll take this item but I called you today no one answered.... Please email me your direct phone number
1 ARC NSX New Intake Box $325.00
am i next if your pending last spoiler doesnt go out?
as requested, here are more picture of the Triangle Bar for the NSX.
trangle bar3.JPG

triangle bar.JPG
any more type-r wings left?
pls pm me!!!! :smile: