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Looking for a 91 OEM auto shiftknob

18 February 2008
Lewisville TX
Does any one have a like new or know where to pick up a OEM automatic shift handle for a 91? I might add for a reasonable price?
Where to buy a resonably priced Automatic shift knob?

I priced a new shift knob from the dealer and about $#%$, so took it to a shop to have it recovered, 1st attempt was a disaster, I'll see the second attempt later today, but suspect I should have left things as they were, and will have to replace the knob. are there and aftermarket units out there?
it is an automatic
Re: Where to buy a resonably priced Automatic shift knob?

I actually have bought 2 off ebay and 2 from auto zone(19-29 dollars)...All worked fine. Some was two long which made down shifting harder..

I wanted one that let you move between the gears with as less finger action as possible. So I ended up getting one without a button....

100's to choose from


Most AfterMarket Shift Knobs are universal, minus the OD hook up.