Need help with my lambo door installation!!!!

27 February 2008
I know some may hate the thought of this, but its my wish to install these on my doors. (SO DONT FLAME ME!!) I have a new lambo kit that I purchased and was hoping that someone in the group would be interested in helping me install it. I live in Wash, DC and dont have an adequate place to install them. I am handy, but have never install something like this. (I'm Green!) If someone is willing and able to provide a location (their nice garage and tools) and their time (they can handle this job) then I would be willing to trade some vacation property usage for a place I have here in Wash, DC.
Otherwise I will see you guys at the roundup on the 8th!
I know only one person crazy enough to install Lambo doors on a NSX.

Asian Imports Specialist
10625 Duvall street
Glenn Dale MD, 20769

Curtis installed them on his brother's NSX.


Get your flame suite on.
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Flamed so soon, LOL. Well its my all hand built exotic, please dont tell me how to enjoy it!

Get a clue dude. :rolleyes: You just put your NSX, your hand built, all aluminum exotic in the same class as this guy.


Laughing MY Fucking Ass Off! These are GREAT. At least the NSX is exotic enough to be worthy of them. That civic just looks like trash, and that scrapper is just hilarious!
what kit did you buy?

You have to have a body shop install it if you are going to get it to ever work. The fender will have to be modified or rolled to get the door to clear when swinging up. Also there is no such thing as a bolt on kit they have to be welded in place and on a car such as the NSX you cant. So you are going to have to reinforce where it mounts somehow or they will fall off. good luck on your future nightmare project.
Flamed so soon, LOL. Well its my all hand built exotic, please dont tell me how to enjoy it!

We're not telling you how to enjoy it, we're advising you on how to avoid a nightmare, permently screwing the car up by rolling fenders and drilling holes, and keeping you from looking like this guy.

^At first I thought the dude was Sitko.
Hell if he wants to do it then we all really don't and should not have a say in it, But as Prime Members with some experience in these sort of things, we should let him know what kind of crazy can of worms he is opening by doing this.

I have never been a fan of flames on peoples ideas of what they want to do, but as a forum community, we should work more as advisors and leave some of the personal feelings out of it.
one cool thing about the lambo doors is you can park closer to a curb and not rub the crap out of the bottom of your door(in some cases) I always liked that and some cars look cool with them and oh god some dont at all I think this car would look right with the lambo doors BUT is it worth it???

Get a clue dude. :rolleyes: You just put your NSX, your hand built, all aluminum exotic in the same class as this guy.


Hey, once your kid smacks your door into the car you just parked next to about a hundred times, lambo doors dont seem so bad after all.