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Nsx Comptech Headers

14 September 2004
Good Ole ATL
I have 2 sets instock for quick shipping please call me for PRICING!!!!!!!!
GREAT DEALS AND STEALS! 800-241-2362 ext 278 or ask for Clint!

i will not post Comptech Anymore Sorry i did not know we had to post

I do know now THANK YOU Sorry!
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Can you just list the price? Or is there some type of contractual obligation that prevents that?

I thought there was some type of marketplace rules in place that mandated a price in these type of threads.
i would love to list prices But the Guys at Comptech will not let me do that!!!

no price=no post :biggrin:
Sorry i did not know we had to post prices i will not post Comptech! And i only have 1 left instock now!!!! :biggrin:
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I'll post my prices:

'91-'94 $1495
'95+ $1395
I got mine 91 NSX Comptech header from NOPI last week. The delivered price was $1396. This was bought from Clint, very quick delevery and fair price. Thanks Clint. BTW. the header sounds great with my custom Magnaflow muffler.
EIFFEL said:
I got mine 91 NSX Comptech header from NOPI last week. The delivered price was $1396. This was bought from Clint, very quick delevery and fair price. Thanks Clint. BTW. the header sounds great with my custom Magnaflow muffler.

Great headers and I dont know if you feel any difference in power but I felt the difference right away. Got mine for $1200 + shipping :biggrin: