nsx indicator lights

It's a very general purpose light. It commonly indicates an 02 sensor problem but could be many things. Take it to the dealer and they can pull the trouble code that should be stored in the computer in just a few minutes.


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If you have the service manual, you can follow the directions and pull the codes yourself. You don't need their special "tool" to short the connectors, either; an ordinary paper clip will do.
You do realize this is an eight year old thread? :biggrin: Jazee hasn't logged on since 12-31-1969..hey! what the :confused:

I'm really concerned about jazee. He could be stuck in the middle of nowhere with his check engine light on. Maybe we should send out a search party.

It's hard to believe prime has been around since 1969. How the time flies.
I'm really concerned about jazee. He could be stuck in the middle of nowhere with his check engine light on. Maybe we should send out a search party.

It's hard to believe prime has been around since 1969. How the time flies.

Yeah, I believe that is when Al Gore invented the internet. :tongue: