NSX Prime Is Switching To A Paid Membership Site

10 February 2000
The realities of the costs of operating this system require that:

Effective June 1, 2005, the NSX Prime Message Forums will switch to a paid membership system. Only paid members will be able to read or post to any of the message forums. The initial membership fee is set at US$10/month, paid in advance. By paying for a full year in advance you can receive a discounted rate of $100/year.

The online payment system will be up and running within a week. It will accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and electronic withdrawl from checking from US banks.

I thank you in advance for your support of this decision. I believe it will be for the best by keeping out people who come here to just stir up trouble and by providing funds to improve the site. I look forward to a bright future for NSX Prime and hope you will be a part of it.


April 2, 2005 Edit -- Yes it was an April Fools joke.
Although I would be the first to sign up to what has become an addiction for me, and others -- I can't get over the fact that Lud chose to roll this out on April 1st...makes me wonder...
Looks like an Aprils Fools joke to me. :biggrin:
NSX Prime said:
The realities of the costs of operating this system require that:

Effective June 1, 2005, the NSX Prime Message Forums will switch to a paid membership system...

The online payment system will be up and running within a week. It will accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and electronic withdrawl from checking from US banks...

If pay more than the yearly fee with a certified Citibank check will you refund me the difference wired to my bank via Western Union?

Thank you.
Lud, are you in Nigeria!!!??
Make it like XM. Pay for as much in advance you want and you can cancel ANYTIME and get a full refund, minus the months used. Yeah, I'm buying this.......Good one Lud :biggrin: I don't think you'll ever top last years prank!
serialNSXer said:
Ok then, I have some prime real-estate in Florida I'd like to show you :biggrin:
I think what you mean is that you * almost * have some prime real estate in Florida that you'd * almost * like to show him. :D
I have a client who is interested in buying a block of 100 such accounts. I am empowered to offer as much as $15k for this block. This amount will be paypaled to you, and you will need to refund me my $5k brokerage fee via Western Union. I am vacationing in Sudan at the moment, and have forward my banking info to you under seperate cover.