NSX rally coast to coast or nsxGumball?

13 May 2008
I am new so don't flame me. How about a rally for NSX Only from Coast to Coast? I could not sleep the other day thinking about it and how many options available. NY to SF. DC to BC(x border). SF to Miami...............

This can be a rally with total # miles to cover. A person can do only half of this trip and be done with it, if person chooses to drive both ways. Each region can have a road map and the stopping points en route make up for a great night or meet/greet party. It's not about how fast you can drive but how much you enjoy!! It may not be a rally then but I don't want it to become a Gumball? May be I do.
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That's a lot of miles to cover. Along with the price of premium gas. Im guessing only a handful would be willing to join up. I've personally done the California to Key West thing a couple times. Both times in rental cars that got decent mpg and a backseat for random trip stuff...drinks...food...etc, that you can just reach over while driving. I will have to say it was a nice adventure. However to do it in the NSX...tough call. Not sure how comfortable I'd be after a couple days straight of driving.

Just my two cents. But should be intersting to see what other owners say.
I think it is a great idea. The only problem is that most NSX owners are sure their cars will melt if rained on, or if miles are put on them, so you may have trouble getting more that 5 or 10 people to do it.
I just drove 1600 miles in one day in the NSX. Believe it or not, it was not too bad.

Not sure I am game for doing it again any time soon.
I just drove 1600 miles in one day in the NSX. Believe it or not, it was not too bad.

Not sure I am game for doing it again any time soon.

Where the heck did you go, and how long did it take? :eek:
moved from TN to AZ. Drove it all in one shot. Took 26 hours.

Would like to have taken more time and had a scenic trip, but it just did not work out that way.
^^^Wow that is a long haul. I did a trip from Seattle to San Diego once straight I think it was 20 hours. Glad you made it okay. I have family in Tucson, hope your enjoying it.


With our upcoming NSXPO 2008 at Portland in Sept and American LeMans at Laguna Seca in Oct and our upcoming Canyon and Palomar runs in July, I have all the drives I can handle. :smile::biggrin::biggrin:

BTW, I loved that movie though and it would be cool to be able to take the time off of work to do it, but I couldn't swing it.

Luckily here in So Cal we have lots of local events to attend.:smile:
I did few coast to coast (~15) so far but never in NSX. I used Acura though! The best I have done couple times in nsx was from Austsin,TX to LA. NSX is a great vehicle for long drives. I realize all the other factors but this event if it happens, you can take it to the grave!! seriously!. Wish I can do it. I careless for the rest of the things. A gumball can be $120k per entry (2persons) covering 3 continents. If we keep flexibility of hotels etc at owners choice we can do better than anybody so far. I am up for it!!!

I envy people in SoCal and Cal in general. I used to live up there for a long time and was busy having fun. Never realized the value of nsxprime till I moved to VA. Not much going on here though!!

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Make the Prize Money/entry fee per car worth 50% more than the cost of gas round trip and Im In. Otherwise Its a waste of money with no real goal or prize. Remember its not a Lambo. That is nothing more than a $tatus symbol. The NSX Is a true sports car built for performance but Not for strickly Millionaires. And REMEMBER they still make Ferraris and Lambos. NSX's are OUT OF PRODUCTION. If risk VS. reward is not an option then im sure your turn out will be small or void. What If someones timing belt snaps? thats $15,000 for a new engine.......starting to catch my drift. There is alot more at stake for most of us than losing a Gumball Machine. Im sure that Even the winner would at the very least like to see his cost in fuel Reimbursed.

On the other hand, for some cheap fun and thrills there is this new thing called a Strip Club
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I am new so don't flame me. How about a rally for NSX Only from Coast to Coast? I could not sleep the other day thinking about it and how many options available. NY to SF. DC to BC(x border). SF to Miami...............
Why not Virigina to Portland, Oregon for NSXPO? Sounds like it'd be a fun trip...
I have done a few cross country rallies in my NSX. Yes they are the gumball style events. I love them so much I just drop from Atlanta to Northern Michigan (this past Sunday) about 1000 miles to drop my car off to Cody for the LoveFab Turbo. Flew home yesterday and after that, I have another rally www.akarally.com on August 18. This year it will be filmed by Speed and in the fall, there will be 6 episodes following this rally.


You will spend alot of money in fuel, food and damages to your car but I still love it.

Rally 2005

Car slightly different from the earlier pix but as it stands this past weekend.
I did Santa Barbara, California to Raleigh, North Carolina and then Raleigh to San Francisco in the NSX. I have to say, they were great trips. Loved meeting the people along the way.