oil leak

31 January 2002
Raleigh, NC
hello again, another problem i am experiencing in oil leaks. i noticed a substantial (5") puddle of oil on the garage floor coming from the passengers side of the engine. i checked numerous threads, and most seem to be on the drivers side. i checked under the car without jacking it up to get a quick look and noticed that the oil filter was loose, so i tightened that up (is that common?) that seemed to help a bunch, but still notice a few little drops on the same side. before i really dive into it, can anyone point out any common areas that i should focus on? thanks again!!
My guess is you’ve solved the problem by tightening the oil filter. I’d clean the oil off all the suspension pieces and frame and then watch for drips. A loose oil filter is not that common and it’s a good thing that you caught it when you did! I’d have a talk with who ever performed the last oil change on your car just to make sure they know they forgot to tighten the filter. I’d also carefully check the area where the seal ring on the oil filter meets the engine (oil cooler) to make sure there’s not another ring in there left over from the previous filter—if you’re using OEM filters this is not likely.
