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Pair of Yokohama S.Drives size 215/40R17 for sale at 150 + shipping

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
Hey guys,

I recently changed my Yokohama S.Drives to Dunlop Direzzas ZII because the rear pair of my S.Drives were worn down. Luckily the front are still good. I have the used pair for sale.

Here are pics I took showing their condition. Perfect for rims sized 17"x8". The picture with the nickel is the tread that has the most wear as you can see plenty left.

First tire tread profile:

2nd Tire Tread Profile:

Still available now lowered to 100 + shipping! Really I just want to get them out of my basement.

Update: ***SOLD***

Moderators please close. Thanks.
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