Penn State Street Tuning Car Club at Berks campus is having the annual car show here at Wyomissing, PA(5 minute drive from Reading, PA).
Date: April 2, 2005 Saturday 11AM - 4 PM
Rain Date: April 3, 2005 Sunday 11AM - 4 PM
Judging will begin promptly at 12PM by the members of the club.
Pre-registration, before March 25th, is $7.00 per car, and $10.00 at the Gate. All proceeds will goto the club to help keep the club running.
The show will be held in the Penn State Berks parking lots.
Pre-Registration Forms can be found at
DJ and food will be available.
Trophies will be presented to:
Best in Show: 1st, 2nd, 3rd in MAIN CATEGORIES
Domestic Modified, Tuner/Sport Compact, Collector/Classic
Off Road, Truck/SUV, Domestic Stock, Import Stock, Low Rider
The club is also having an exhaust contest. The car with the loudest exhaust gets a trophy.
For more information or directions, e-mail [email protected]
or call 610-396-6601 or AIM screen name: RIP3000GT
Campus is located off the Broadcasting Road exit of Route 222
Date: April 2, 2005 Saturday 11AM - 4 PM
Rain Date: April 3, 2005 Sunday 11AM - 4 PM
Judging will begin promptly at 12PM by the members of the club.
Pre-registration, before March 25th, is $7.00 per car, and $10.00 at the Gate. All proceeds will goto the club to help keep the club running.
The show will be held in the Penn State Berks parking lots.
Pre-Registration Forms can be found at
DJ and food will be available.
Trophies will be presented to:
Best in Show: 1st, 2nd, 3rd in MAIN CATEGORIES
Domestic Modified, Tuner/Sport Compact, Collector/Classic
Off Road, Truck/SUV, Domestic Stock, Import Stock, Low Rider
The club is also having an exhaust contest. The car with the loudest exhaust gets a trophy.
For more information or directions, e-mail [email protected]
or call 610-396-6601 or AIM screen name: RIP3000GT
Campus is located off the Broadcasting Road exit of Route 222