Porter Cable 7424 for $114 or less from Amazon.com

17 August 2004
Thought to share this great deal with you guys.

Just bought a Porter Cable 7424 from Amazon.com. What a deal ... list price $114 + free shipping. And here is the kicker. If your order is over $199+, Amazon.com will take $25 off. However $199+ must be items sold by Amazon.com direct, not from its consigned retailers, and must be all from its TOOL & HARDWARE catalog.

Well, I paired up with a friend of mine and ordered two Porter Cable 7424 for: $228 total + free shippping - $25 = $203. That's $101.50 ea.. Definitely a deal. :smile:
7336 is the same, but has a larger counterweight for larger pads. I bought the 7336 and use pads up to 7.5". Owners of the 7424 can buy an extra, larger counterweight for a few dollars. I believe this is the only difference btwn the models. $99 is a good deal.
Order a backing plate, a few basic pads (I would not use the one that comes with the PC) and some good polishes and you are ready to get busy on the finish :biggrin:
More info here.
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