I've notice a lot of Pruis and other hybrids lately. Just today I was surrounded by four of them on my way to work. Guess times are changing.
With all of the wacko tree huggers here, they are every where.
while i don't think of myself as a wacko tree-hugger ( :tongue: ), my wife and i have a prius and we're on the waiting list for an aptera electric car.
we view the prius as basic transportation and enjoy the relatively low cost-per-mile of the prius and look forward to the even lower cost-per-mile of the aptera typ1 (all-electric).
I guess I'm a "hugger" too then. Although, at 70 mpg, I try to think of myself as a "pump hater" instead. :wink:
Well I can't bash on the prius. No Toyota did not design them to be the hottest looking car on the road, but they did design them to go the furtherest. We have many here at work and I'll say, the women just love them. Chicks like hybrids, don't know why but they do. All in all, it's a great commuter car that has'nt given us a hint of worries. And FYI, they will do 100+ mph.:biggrin:
hahaha, yes, i suppose.I consider you more of a bee lover than a tree hugger. :biggrin:
Why wouldn't they design it to look nice that is what gets me. Why don't they put a seat in it that doesn't feel like your sitting on a cinder block?
hahaha, yes, i suppose.
(if you're interested in seeing how ours are doing, i've put up a short video of our hive @ our family / friends blog: www.twobigcats.blogspot.com, scroll down to "beemyhoney".)
Why wouldn't they design it to look nice that is what gets me. Why don't they put a seat in it that doesn't feel like your sitting on a cinder block?
Well, I guess I've talked myself out of some honey now...
got my glove(s)!I am going to have to start calling you Michael Jackson as you have a giraffe in your back yard.
I have a big lick spot on my monitor where that honey was in the video. That stuff looks good. YUM!!
ahahahahaha, doug - that's soooooo funny
no, you're welcome to come take a quart of honey from the bees, all by yourself
got my glove(s)!
this being our first year, we're not sure how much honey we'll get, but we're hoping for enough to share a bit.
Because nice looking hybrids don't sell. Hybrid Camrys sit on the lot while you have to join a waiting list for a Prius.
People want YOU to know that THEY are driving a hybrid. If it doesn't look a little odd, then people won't gawk at your smug satisfaction with your shrinking carbon footprint.
wow, that had to be horrible for your brother-in-law!Have you been stung yet?
My brother-in-law was stung last week RIGHT ON HIS EYEBALL!!! Right on the pupil. He had to go to the ER.
edit...white faced hornet.