Question 1: Does this belong to my NSX?

19 December 2004
Glastonbury, CT
2000 NSX-T

I found this under the driver wiper today. Not sure if it belongs to the car. Haven't found a home yet. It's beat up on the back side. Some type of twist to secure cover. Has and H on the top and the number R04 on the under side.

photo by michael_lohr, on Flickr

photo by michael_lohr, on Flickr
I just realized I didn't subscribe to my own thread so I didn't see the responses until now. Thanks.

I am looking for the location. I see what I believe are the AC lines above the battery going by the blower fan. I see a light blue 'valve' looking thing with an "L" on it which I assumed to the be the low side. Judging by this clip is must secure into a plastic keyed location similar to head light twist and lock setup. I have not been able to find a spot though. I presume the right side of the blower fan by the battery?

I'm going to take a second look but so far haven't found it's home.

I did find some hack wiring for fog lamps I don't like though....:mad:
I took the spare out and looked a bit further. Haven't run across it's location yet. I found the complementing light blue "H" valve in from the the driver head light. I'm pretty sure those are the high and low AC lines (although I'm not certain).