S2000 Antenna ?

30 April 2001
Has anyone determined the effort (ie. connectors etc) of swapping the stock antenna with an S2000 or S2000 like antenna? There may be some weight savings to be gained here.
You're kidding me right? I cant imagine that the whole Antenna Assembly weighs more than 3lbs. Why go through the trouble of changing Antenna's to save weight on the car? You could probably save more weight by not eating a few hours before driving your car.
But in the spirit of shaving weight off of a car, wouldnt it be better just to remove the Antenna altogether?
The NSX does have some auxillary antenna like material in the rear hatch, so you should be able to get *some* radio reception without the Antenna..
Don't you think the S2000 antenna will look goofy on the NSX? I mean the NSX's antenna is in a strange location. I just disconnected my antenna so it doesn't come up anymore. I was sick of the radio control car looking NSX antenna, it hasn't affected my radio reception though.

[This message has been edited by PUREVIL (edited 05 May 2001).]
Originally posted by PUREVIL:
I just disconnected my antenna so it doesn't come up anymore. I was sick of the radio control car looking NSX antenna, it hasn't affected my radio reception though.

[This message has been edited by PUREVIL (edited 05 May 2001).]

I did the same thing and was going to pick up the smartantenna. However I never listen to the radio and only CDs, so haven't been motivated enough to order it.

Also I would think you could create a really nice hidden Y antenna around the hatch. That would be the best approach in my book.

Hal Jones
Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift
I've seen an NSX in one of the latest BM videos - I almost thought it was a running change they made to the JDM NSX's for '01. It does not look too bad.

Yes, I do have to lose some pounds too.
There is an antenna in the back glass. Reception is shaky at best.
To switch out for weight saving on the antenna seems ludicrous, but add that up to 100 extra things and you've just lost 100 lbs. Think it's impossible? try about three hundred lb loss without losing any comfort. Well, maybe a little more road noise - exact same noise level as the type R. I would type up a list of all the give and takes. But over the past three years, I don't think I have the time to list them all! This just gave me an Idea of a new topic.... What have other members done to save weight?!
I believe the two antennas (the mast and the rear hatch window) are a diversity system, whereby the radio selects the stronger, clearer system and uses it. And it works pretty well.

What have other members done to save weight?!

Go to the bathroom right before you get in the car.