Seeking high end, rim repair pref. FL AREA

4 July 2004
Augusta, GA
Seeking high end rim repair in FL area, btwn Orl/Miami, otherwise open for recom/suggestions please! thanks guy
ps..front lip damage, needs straightened and refinished or call 800.518.3040 to find your local dealer. they will come to your home or office. tell 'em Howard sent you.
I have a guy that does this just around the corner form my shop. Everyone uses him in Tampa Bay. I can handle the transaction if you like. Just ship to me.

email me: [email protected]
One thing- Alloy Wheel Repair does NOT do chrome on-site (i.e. your place) - for chrome they have to send it out. Also, some of their mobile units are equipped to straighten bent wheels, others are not.
awsome..thanks guys! 1 more ? VERY IMPORTANT! what can i ask for to make sure proper exchange, how can i make sure not sending it to some guy thats just going to keep it n'run?
dlynes said:
awsome..thanks guys! 1 more ? VERY IMPORTANT! what can i ask for to make sure proper exchange, how can i make sure not sending it to some guy thats just going to keep it n'run?

Us NSX'rs stick together. PM me or call the shop #.