Separating axle from intermediate shaft

28 September 2005
Kansas City
There must be a trick because no amount of prying and swearing has worked. I'm replacing the cv boots on the passenger rear axle, but I can't seem to get the axle separated from the intermediate shaft. There's just a c-clip holding it in, and the axle ought to pop right out, right? It seems a little ironic that I prevailed in an epic battle with the axle nut, only to be stopped now.
The key here is that you MUST remove the joint straight, if it cocks even slightly it will not budge. C-Speed has it right with the two large screwdrivers, since this pushes on both sides.

I use a large flat blade screwdriver with a large shank, I wedge it in on one side purposely to cock the joint to one side, then I use a good size crow bar opposite the screwdriver and pry firmly, it comes right off as soon as it is straight.

As Larry B states in his DIY, use 2 large pry bars and even a crow bar w/ a block of wood to separate it. It will literally "pop" out but MUST be pryed out evenly. As for the axle nut, I didn't have any issues w/ my impact gun. JUST did this job..was more work than I thought it would be....learning curve is steep on this one. I could go back and literally do this job in half the time it took me.:frown:

Thanks everyone, prying at 2 points 180 degrees from each other did the trick. I would have given this a try, but I excel at trying to take shortcuts, and I hadn't removed the heat shield that was preventing me from getting the 2nd pry bar in position. After I removed the heat shield, I could get the 2nd pry bar in and the axle popped right out.

I cleaned out the cv joints and replaced both cv boots tonight, and now the axle is back on the car.
The key here is that you MUST remove the joint straight, if it cocks even slightly it will not budge. C-Speed has it right with the two large screwdrivers, since this pushes on both sides.

If I remember correctly that goes for the way in too. I think the driver side is usually harder than the halfshaft, I spent a few hours swearing at transmissions in the past trying to get H22/B16 axels in. I have to do that same boot next week so hopefully it goes smoothly like yours. There definently seems to be more access than a civic but it will also be my first time taking this suspension apart. Have bilsteins going in too, can't wait.