Silver TE-37/Red NSX Wheels dilemma...

10 February 2001
Southern California
Okay okay, I must be the most indecisive NSXer ever! I've been contemplating whether to get TE-37s for my 95 NSX for almost a month now. You might have seen several of my threads that ask for pics of the TE-37s. Well, I think I'm going to go for it. I've decided to order the silver finish TE-37s for my red car. The things is, I've never seen silver TE-37s on a red NSX before, so I'm terrified that once I install the wheels it won't look as good as stock. The TE-37 bronze looks awesome on dark color cars as demonstrated by KenjiMR and Justin Hall, but I'm hesitant to use bronze wheels on my red car. Do you think I should go for the silver TE-37s? Or stick with the stock 7 spoke? I know its based on personal preference, and my personal preference is to look good! =) Without actually seeing this color combination I still not a 100% sure it will look good, which is why I'm here seeking some sort of support. Also, if you think it won't look good, let me know as well! I really value your opinion. Thanks in advance!

That's funny, I think bronze or gold clash with just about every color car, whereas silver is neutral and goes well, complementing the look nicely.

Different spokes for different folks.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 08 September 2001).]
I think, as a general rule, black wheels look DOWNSCALE. At a glance, they look like steel wheels that are bought by people who can't afford nice alloy wheels.

Just my O.
Just a thought, if you can get someone with a Hyper Rev issue #32, in their wheel guide, they have pictures of a red NSX with (I think) a black top. One of the wheel combos pictured is the red with bronze TE-37s. No silver, sorry.
Anyone have this pic scanned in?
Anyone think of some nice "WHITE" five spoke rims? You'll look real sharp with them on your NS-X.... (not to mention the car)
Ladies will love that clean look of something white that just JUMPS in your face ready to roar! grrrrrr
p.s. i don't think these guys are helping you a bit! no offense guys! it's up to you! go with what you wanna do we're just here to give you some other ideas/alternatives

[This message has been edited by bluenite33 (edited 10 September 2001).]
Here's the deal. The TE-37s are VERY racy wheels. Most likely you want a racy look right? If so go with bronze, black, or white. If you want to be a little more conservative, go gunmetal or silver. I believe some of the JGTC cars used TE37s, which is one of the main reasons why I chose the TE37s myself. I have more pictures of my car available if you're interested. I also have matching Volk lug nuts too.