Sorry But I Had To Do It

20 February 2008
Well before I start this story..Let me refresh your memory to what happenned between my 378 rwhp auto 2004 C5 and my buddies stock NSX 2 years ago............................................... ...................................

Well my friend just got a 05 NSX manual and we decided to go have a little fun..

I was expecting to kill him easily since the mags say his car can do 12.9-13.3 stock and Im only a tenth behind the stock gen 2 Vipers at the local strip and around 2 tenths faster than the stock C5Z06's at the same strip..

So he should be no problem......WRONG..Mag times dont tell the hole story..

Before we even raced he took me for a ride in the car a few days ago and I thought it fely VERY FAST...But thought that it was becasue we were so low to the ground and just dismissed it..

BIG MISTAKE....We go on the 3 honk from a 30 mph roll and we stay side by side each other with neighter gaining an inch all the way to 95 mph were we shut down for an upcoming light.

I could not beleave what just happenned. Everyone says these cars are so slow...

But it wasnt slow at all..Actually very very fast and the fastest bone stock car Ive ever raced....

Ive killed Fbodys and 03 Cobras with out a sweat at these speeds..

I recently pulled a 2006 911s at these speeds ( quite easily)

And lost a few months ago to a 430 rwhp Supra by 2 cars going from 70-140 mph....

How could his NSX be so fast???? If it's only a 12.9-13.3 second car???

Well I did some research and found the following stats..

-3100 pounds
-.30 drag
-270 rwhp
-8000 rpm redline
-4.06 gears

-378 rwhp vrs 270-280 rwhp means I have a 1 second advantage
-well he's 100 pounds lighter than me so thers a tenth he earned back
-.29 vrs .30 means are arodynamics are virtually the same
-8000 rpm's vrs my 6300 rpm's means he probaly takes 2 tenths back
-my 2.73's vrs his 4.06's means he probaly takes 5 tenths back..

So do to gearing and rpm's as well as weight it seems like my car is really only 2 tenths faster despite the rwhp differance????

So why do the NSX's only run 12.9-13.3 at the strip if they can run with 378 rwhp C5's on the freeway????

What I noticed is that anything from 1000-4500 rpm's in his car feels sluggish..( like high 14 second car sluggish) but when it gets to 4600 rpm's it pulls as hard as my 378 rwhp Vette all the way to it's 8000 rpm red line...

I think that if the NSX had more tourque and could pull as hard from 1000-45000 rpm's as it dose from 4600-8000 rpm's that it would be a low to mid 12 second car bone stock...

Talk about being surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW. He bought his car last month with only 200 miles on it. It is bone stock.

So anyway I sold that vette and bought a bone stock 99 Viper ( 450 HP) I raced him with the stock Viper VS his stock NSX and was able to put 3 cars on him from 50-120 mph............................................... .........................

I then later got a 2003 Viper that I never raced against him with....I wrecked that and fast forward to today and I also have a NSX now.........

So their we were...My 1991 NSX with a 5 pound supercharger and his bone stock 2005 NSX....I knew exactly what I was up against and didnt take him for granted..After all running dead even with a 378 rwhp C5 and only getting pulled by 3 cars by a stock 410 rwhp Viper deserves it's respect....

Now I know your thinking the obvious...Supercharged NSX VS stock NSX means a easy win for me...But the 1991 NSX's only ran like 13.7 at 103 mph in stock form on average while the 2005 NSX's run 13.3 at 107 mph with average drivers.....As well my 1991 is a 5 speed manual VS the newer NSX's being 6 speed manuals..

Beep beep beep. all through second gear where door to door and then I miss third gear and he jumps a car our and then I start gaining back fast and feel like I was gonna zip by him...But he lets off...A win for him...

Second race we go from a dig and it's dead even till around 6000 rpm's in second gear and then I put a car on him..Then I change to third gear and he comes a car back..But it's short lived and I start walking away...

We race 5-6 more times and it's always the same out come..from 2000-5500 rpm's were dead even and then around 5500 when I start making boost I start walking away..He always let off when I got a car or two in front of him But I think that by 100 mph I WAS USUALLY AROUND 2 CARS IN FRONT.....

So she didnt pull quite as hard as my stock 99 Viper did at 3 cars...But a little faster than my 2004 378 rwhp C5 did wich could only stay dead even with him..

Fun races
I'm sorry that you felt compelled on come on here and tell us the history of your street racing. This isn't a Viper Forum, a Supra Forum or even a Corvette Forum where they condone street racing. We pride ourselves on being more mature than that.
BTW, did you ever get a reliable engine management system for your time bomb? If not, I have changed my mind. I DON'T think you should anymore. That would just be a waste of money that you could be spending on more gas to continue to race with.
I thought it was a good read.

92, it's pretty obvious you want your 2 minutes of life back after reading that. just put snakey on your ignore list and the problem is solved.

I always like reading about how the car does in the real world.

I raced an unknown gen viper from 40-140 inches per hour. I got annihilated. I'm guessing it wasn't stock. I was at about 360 rwhp at the time.

in my rs6 i wasn't racing. I just happened to be undergoing full accelleration at the same exact time some dude in a sl55 amg was undergoing full accelleration. I think we made it up to about 130 inches per hour. I was dead even with my OCT chip and racing cats/exhaust.
Hey snake your friends 05 nsx has 290 hp and a six speed :smile: hence it can do anything.:tongue: BTW what is your last name..Pliskan?
Guys..I have had many many many people try to street race me in the NSX..To all of them I said NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I really wanted to see how a 5 psi supercharged 91 would fare against a stock 2005...And I thought others would as well..

Doc John..Dont be fooled. A 1991 is significantly slower than a 2005..I dont care about the power rating of 270 HP VS 290 HP...1991's ran high 13's in all the mags while 2002's ran low 13's in all the mags...That is a HUGE differance and even with the 5 psi supercharger it was still very close till I got into the upper rpm's....Then lights out
I'm not really sure why you posted this story on here. Entertaining, sure, a little, but not too many people on prime approve of street racing.

Personally, it doesn't offend me too much. What I want to know is, have you replaced the SS box yet?

Im with 92 on this one. This is crazy. We had not heard from Snakey in a while. Thought he may be dead.

Glad he is not. Hope to keep him that way.
I've had a change of heart. I love reading these street racing stories. I was perched on the edge of my chair during my entire read of the first post. But alas I was let down. Someday a race will end one day with the car in a crumpled pile of twisted metal and we can put these stories to rest. Of course I don't want the OP to get injured or kill an innocent bystander.
Just keep wrecking the manuals, its an automatic I need. BTW it must be nice to have that kind of money, to race around in an NSX like its some POS ricer car.
Ouch.....Come on guys....( best Elvis voice)..Dont be cruel..

This is the forced induction section right? I just gave you the answer to a NA1 with mild 5 psi boost VRS a stock NA2..

Use it for data and nonthing else..
Taken from the Exotic Owners Code of Conduct:

"I will obey all traffic laws or local traffic customs. Especially, I will pass other cars only in marked, safe passing zones, and I will always respect traffic speeds and noise ordinances within city limits. I will always drive in a defensive manner to protect myself and my vehicle. I will not initiate nor will I respond to challenges to race my cars on open public roads. When asked to race, I will simply refuse. "
Taken from the Exotic Owners Code of Conduct:

"I will obey all traffic laws or local traffic customs. Especially, I will pass other cars only in marked, safe passing zones, and I will always respect traffic speeds and noise ordinances within city limits. I will always drive in a defensive manner to protect myself and my vehicle. I will not initiate nor will I respond to challenges to race my cars on open public roads. When asked to race, I will simply refuse. "

That sums it up quite nicely.

He could've easily provided us the information about the 05 vs 91 without all that extra BS.

140mph on public roads? You're going to kill someone one of these days.:mad:
-378 rwhp vrs 270-280 rwhp means I have a 1 second advantage
-well he's 100 pounds lighter than me so thers a tenth he earned back
-.29 vrs .30 means are arodynamics are virtually the same
-8000 rpm's vrs my 6300 rpm's means he probaly takes 2 tenths back
-my 2.73's vrs his 4.06's means he probaly takes 5 tenths back..

So do to gearing and rpm's as well as weight it seems like my car is really only 2 tenths faster despite the rwhp differance????

Not to mention, there's some great science right there :rolleyes:
Guys..I have had many many many people try to street race me in the NSX..To all of them I said NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I really wanted to see how a 5 psi supercharged 91 would fare against a stock 2005...And I thought others would as well..

Doc John..Dont be fooled. A 1991 is significantly slower than a 2005..I dont care about the power rating of 270 HP VS 290 HP...1991's ran high 13's in all the mags while 2002's ran low 13's in all the mags...That is a HUGE differance and even with the 5 psi supercharger it was still very close till I got into the upper rpm's....Then lights out

okay I am not going to preach about going fast, spirited driving, speeding , street racing etc (all of it can end in the same result) ...........TO GROWN MEN.... Heck Accelerating hard to the speed limit can kill you and others.... I think most sport car owners have a need for speed and our ego can get the best of us sometimes. Some of us do it on the HWY, STREET, Track and or Drag Strip(I am not bashing or justifying anything)......Like one poster said this is the FI section. Most don't FI a car to drive it like a Ford Focus................. Snakey you already know from some past posts and recent posts, the tension is HIGH on Street Racing....So I hope you have your fire extinguisher and fire proof suit on...LOL....

With That being said.... I asked in a post a while ago is their a big difference from an SC na1 or a stock na2, for the 0-60...1/8 qtr etc was very close..........However, I went to a track recently and saw what you said to be true...0.3 secs and 5mph more trap speed does make a visual difference....

Snakey from your previous post, I read you had 18/19 combo. I am sure that unsprung weight and if you don't have short gears does play a role in your car performance(maybe even tuning also). Stock 91 vs Stock 05 would be a better judge of character..... On prime I have seen posts saying that a 91 w I/H/E and possibly weight reduction could hold its on against a na2.

I always felt the NSx was a little slow coming out of the hold but from 40 - 120 felt like a different car (even in the automatic)

However, I have driven an 05 just last week and can say their is a difference....

Be safe in your escapades for the truth....I have 2 points left on my LIC due to my BIke Riding (90mph in a 70mph)...So i have to live my former life through you........ YOu haven't tuned it and switched to AEM yet? You haven't posted in a while....
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I would not let some of these guys get to you.
I enjoyed the post.
I love to see some of our nsx fellow getting into the street scene.
I am certain most of us are educated enough like yourself to know when and where these activities takes place.

I enjoy a little thrill like your self.
I just took out out a GSX-R 750 2005 model..
from a 70- 150 roll..
I never raced on the street, but when I first started driving, I liked speed. Four tickets in my first year with a license taught me to be a little more subtle about it. Eight years since my last one.

Truth be told, I still like speed. If you add the target fixation many people get when they are trying to win, and consider that you are testing the limits of traction far more in a drag race to 80 than cruising at the same speed, racing is not quite the same as driving fast. I got up to 110 on the way home from LA, but I don't feel bad about it- the road conditions were good, and there was nobody around.

Snakey, it sounds like you really enjoy this. I hope you move it to a track only thing, though. I plan on attending a racing school myself, but I won't risk the uncontrolled street environment for any sort of competition.

I would not let some of these guys get to you.
I enjoyed the post.
I love to see some of our nsx fellow getting into the street scene.
I am certain most of us are educated enough like yourself to know when and where these activities takes place.

I enjoy a little thrill like your self.
I just took out out a GSX-R 750 2005 model..
from a 70- 150 roll..

I have to ask????

What the heck you got in your car to beat a GSX-r ......Even though it was a roll. That bike can do 1/4 in less then 10.5 w trap speed of 130 plus???? I have a r1 and I cant lose my friend GSX-r 750??????? 150mph.....Courageous...Someone had to back down.......
after 140 on a bike everything begins to BLUR and shake depending on which bike you on and if you are tucked good.
I have to ask????

What the heck you got in your car to beat a GSX-r ......Even though it was a roll. That bike can do 1/4 in less then 10.5 w trap speed of 130 plus???? I have a r1 and I cant lose my friend GSX-r 750??????? 150mph.....Courageous...Someone had to back down.......
after 140 on a bike everything begins to BLUR and shake depending on which bike you on and if you are tucked good.

Easy... I had single turbo supra that would smoke bikes all day long. You have to remember, most of the 'speed' advantage on a bike is from the power/weight ratio and rate of acceleration, once you reach 80-100mph, aerodynamics comes into play big time, and we all know, bikes are NOT very aerodynamic. In you case you didnt know, the horsepower required to move an object through air rises exponentially with speed.

For a Supra (MKIV) anyways, ~500rwhp ish, and you can take most stock bikes, especially from a roll and if you take it up to 140-150mph.

And like it says on the back of our Honda Challenge race car:

"Race at the track, not on the street."
Oh, and it also said it on my old JDM DC2:


This is my old supra:

And in case you're all wondering, yes I used to be a big time street racer. Back before everyone and their grandmonther would show up and do stupid crap to attract attention like random burnouts and very unsafe driving between meeting spots.

Only difference is, I grew up.

Street racing = :thumbs down:
Something that rhymes with Tee-Tech...not sure what though, I think it's a letter of the alphabet ;).

Haha.. I think i figured out how he came up with his "378 rwhp auto 2004 C5".

Since he's a "mag" (magazine) racer:

The "mag" says, my intake will make +15hp. It also says my exhaust system is +35hp, etc etc = 378rwhp


All joking aside.. I don't know much about Vettes, but Wiki says 04 C5 is rated at 350hp. I'd presume its at the crank. RWD usually has 20% drivetrain loss, which puts it at 280rwhp.

NSX is 280hp at the crank. Mid-engine is around 10% drivetrain loss which puts it at around 252rwhp.

So, in reality, if you JUST figured those numbers alone, its only a 28rwhp difference, which driving skill can easily overcome by itself.

But again, the NSX is lighter and has better gearing.
Haha.. I think i figured out how he came up with his "378 rwhp auto 2004 C5".

Since he's a "mag" (magazine) racer:

The "mag" says, my intake will make +15hp. It also says my exhaust system is +35hp, etc etc = 378rwhp


All joking aside.. I don't know much about Vettes, but Wiki says 04 C5 is rated at 350hp. I'd presume its at the crank. RWD usually has 20% drivetrain loss, which puts it at 280rwhp.

NSX is 280hp at the crank. Mid-engine is around 10% drivetrain loss which puts it at around 252rwhp.

So, in reality, if you JUST figured those numbers alone, its only a 28rwhp difference, which driving skill can easily overcome by itself.

But again, the NSX is lighter and has better gearing.

Sorry man.....Ive got well over 500 1/4 mile passes and dyno my car every time i do a mod.......In the past 3 years Ive done 15 differant dyno sessions..

My 2004 c5 dynoed 299 rwhp SAE in showroom stock configuration..Then after

-LS6 heads
-224/224 cam
-and a few basic bolt ons she hit 378 rwhp SAE on thesame dyno..

Then my 99 RT10 viper put down 410 rwhp SAE on the same dyno in showroom stock condition..Basic bolt ons put that car to 450 rwhp...

Then my 2003 SRT10 dynoed 459 rwhp with just air intake and roller rockers...I added a few more putting me between 470-480 rwhp But I never got to dyno her...But she went from running 11.9 at 122 to 11.7 at 124 so I know the mods made more power than the previous 459 rwhp SAE..

Then on the same dyno I hit 310 rwhp with the NSX and 5 psi boost....I could have beenbetween 320-330 rwhp But I told them not to let the car kool down at all and just run it hot..It was only a baseline number for me..

After the 10 psi pully/AEM/air to water interkooler Ill let it kool down and get my 400 plus rwhp..