I had a similar problem with my 95. The SRS light would only come on under high performance conditions that I could repeat consistently. Basically the problem occured when the car was warm and pushing it into a tight right turn at just to point of starting to drift.
I tried to figure it out myself but finally took it to the local NSX tech. We went on a spirited test drive where I was able to make the system fail several times. After he blew chunks (just kidding) he spent about 3 hours trying to locate the problem with the help of Acura support. BTW he had one of the biggest smiles on his face because he said he's never been on a drive like I gave him.
Ultimately the problem was a connector under the center console that was being strained from my driving. The tech figured it occured from a combination of road vibration and hard braking followed by quick snap turns. The weight of the wiring harness in this area under the conditions was twisting the connector they figured. He re-inserted the connector and put some supporting ties on it so that it wouldn't happen again.
Can you repeat the condition? I'd try to identify the speed, g-force, turning direction, braking, vibration, etc. My tech told me the test drive with understanding these factors help him and Acura support narrow it down to either the SRS light, SRS light connector in the display console or the main connector behind the center console.