TCS on/off?

20 February 2000
Victoria, BC, Canada
I don't quite understand why disabling the traction control would give you better performance. If you drive correctly, not having the TCS to kick in, wouldn't it be the same as not having TCS on?
You want some wheel spin (not a lot but more than TCS typically allows) if you are trying to find the fastest way around a track or even if you floor it coming out of a tight corner on the street. You also want more wheel spin than TCS allows if you are drag racing.
When driving on the track, or when driving in a "spirited" manner in the hills, I disengage the TCS and the ABS as well. I do this to get a little wheelspin and drift through the corners and to modulate the brakes more. The TCS and ABS are both excellent systems, but they interfere with the smoothness that I want when driving hard. During everyday driving I leave them both engaged.
BTW, you can turn these systms off by lifting the handbrake lever one click and driving for about 20 or 30 seconds. Disable lights will appear on your dash indicating that both systems have been temporarily disengaged.

[This message has been edited by ChopsJazz (edited 21 July 2000).]